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    Chair Yoga: 12 Easy Relaxation Exercises to Do at Your Desk

    So, are you starting to experience pain in your neck, shoulders, and back from sitting too much? It’s time for some yoga exercises to help you relax. Whether it’s between meetings or in the evening after a long day at your desk, 9 minutes of chair yoga is enough to loosen up your muscles and release tension. Why not give it a try right now? 
    Workout Video: 12 Chair Yoga Exercises 
    We’ve put together a short yoga workout you can do while sitting that will relax your upper back and neck muscles:
    Duration: 9 minutes
    Number of exercises: 12
    What you need: a chair

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    Ready to try some more yoga poses? These are the 8 best yoga exercises for runners.

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    7 Arm Workouts for Tighter Triceps & Biceps

    Tighten up your triceps! Getting rid of the so-called “bat wings” and achieving toned upper arms isn’t actually as difficult as you might think if you’re doing the right arm workouts. Your own body weight is more than sufficient to tighten up your triceps and biceps. You don’t need much space or even much time to do these 7 effective bodyweight training exercises at home or wherever you wish! 
    1. Planks

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    The plank is an isometric exercise. This is a particular type of strength training in which the muscles are tensed, but their length does not change. Although all you have to do is maintain the position, the exercise is quite challenging. The more you tighten your entire body, the longer you will be able to stay in the plank position. So, how many minutes can you hold the plank for?
    2. Up-downs

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    This exercise not only works out your arms, but your entire body. It is particularly good for the muscles of your core. Start in plank position and raise yourself up by placing first one hand on the floor, followed by the other. Then return to the starting position. Besides your arms, this engages your abs, glutes and legs, which is what makes it so strenuous.
    3. Triceps dips

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    You might think that you need a couch, chair or park bench to perform this exercise. However, you can really blast those upper arms by performing triceps dips on the ground as well. Make sure that your fingertips are pointing towards your feet and your shoulders are down and away from your ears. It’s important that you keep your butt high so that you increase your range of motion and can really activate your triceps. 
    4. Push-ups

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    Push-ups are one the best exercises with your own body weight and are the perfect arm workout. You can choose between countless varieties and thus adjust the level of difficulty. For beginners, it is best to start on your knees. Placing your hands close together works on your arms, whereas moving your hands farther apart targets your chest muscles. Tighten your core to strengthen your ab muscles.
     5. Wall Push Offs

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    This move is a bit of a twist on a regular push-up. It’s more of a modified version, because the upper body is higher than the lower body, but it definitely packs a real burn! It’s important that you stay on the balls of your feet and keep your core engaged. You shouldn’t completely push yourself away from the wall – just a little bit. You’ll feel the rhythm!
    6. Crab Bridge

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    You start this move exactly like a triceps dip and you even get a little bit extra glute workout in here as well. The movement is in the hips, but you’re definitely working those arms when you keep them nice and tight and strong, shoulders down and away from the ears.
    7. Punches

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    Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Make sure to keep your core tight. Box against an imaginary punching bag until you can’t throw another punch. The main thing is to focus on flexing your upper arm muscles. This not only works out your triceps and biceps, but it also increases your heart rate, helping you burn plenty of calories.

    Feeling super motivated now? Then get the adidas Training app and get fit without equipment!
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    Muscle Growth for Better Health and Weight Loss

    Being thin is not the same as being healthy. If you are someone who has never been happy with their weight or shape or body type, it’s important to try to turn that around. One way to do that is to shift the focus away from losing weight and onto building strength for bone health, joint health, and mental health. You might be surprised to see that you lose weight and feel better about your body in the process.
    If you want to build lean muscle mass, adding strength training can help you burn more calories, even if you substitute it for running or other cardio workouts sometimes.
    Strength Training for Weight Loss
    Strength training does not just burn calories while you’re exercising, but it gives your metabolism a boost that can last for hours afterwards, known as the afterburn effect or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which helps you to burn even more calories. One study even found that you burn additional calories for up to 38 hours after high intensity, short duration exercises like strength training.
    As there is little or no rest between these bodyweight exercises, your heart rate can jump to up to 80% of your max, which will burn calories in a very short amount of time. The more muscles that are recruited in an exercise, means the more calories you burn, and the more effective the exercise is. Bodyweight exercises also allow for a full range of motion in the joints, meaning that you feel better as you carry on with your day, which gives you more motivation to take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to the grocery store, and play with your kids, without feeling stiff or uncomfortable.
    Combining Cardio and Strength Training for Muscle Growth
    If you’re looking for maximum strength and calorie burn, a mix of cardio and strength training is the most effective way to reach this goal. How can you do that without spending hours working out?
    High-intensity workouts are particularly effective because they push your metabolism into high gear. Plus, there is a high afterburn effect. This means that your body will continue to burn calories after your bodyweight training while you relax on the couch.

    Anytime – Anywhere 
    Good intentions often fail due to lack of time, and busy days don’t leave much room for sweaty workouts. The good thing about bodyweight training is that you don’t have to toil away in the gym after a stressful day. Bodyweight training puts an end to all your time-related excuses. A 20-minute workout only makes up 1.4% of your day. Surely, you have time for that. Just throw on your workout clothes, clear some space in the living room, open the adidas Training app and get started on your workout. There will still be enough time afterwards to cook dinner and enjoy a pleasant evening with your loved ones.

    Don’t get discouraged if it takes time to drop some weight. Gradual weight loss (0.5 to 1 kg per week, or about 1 to 2 lb per week) is healthier and a lifestyle change will keep it off. Make sure to work out regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Most importantly, always listen to your body.

    Bodyweight Training as Functional Fitness
    You might have heard the term functional fitness or functional training and wondered what it means. Think of functional fitness as “real life” movements that help your body prepare for “real life” stress in the safest and most efficient way possible.
    Think about it: Do you ever lift a water bottle like you’re doing a biceps curl? Probably not. But, you are squatting and lifting and rotating every day, right? And falling on the ground and getting back up – maybe playing with kids?
    Bodyweight exercises are a huge component of functional training. Bodyweight training engages multiple muscle groups during each exercise and leaves an endless amount of room for progressions and variety as you become fitter, stronger and healthier while minimizing injury and maximizing lean muscle growth!

    5 Reasons to Start Bodyweight Training
    1. No equipment necessary:
    You can literally start now, no matter where you are. Get up and do some jumping jacks, squats or even a HIIT workout. All you need is your body and some space to move.
    2. Growth mindset:  
    You are in control of your health and happiness. Any negative barrier or excuse you might have set up for yourself regarding your potential and goals is basically destroyed by the convenience, versatility and effectiveness of bodyweight training. Change your mindset, change your life.

    3. Calorie burners and muscle growth:
    Isolating a single muscle group on a machine in the gym is nothing compared to the calories you burn in a bodyweight workout. Plus, the more muscles you recruit during exercise, the more calories you’re going to burn.
    4. Your muscles want to work together:
    Let’s look at the push-up for example: biceps, triceps, shoulders, core (abs, lower back, hips), glutes and legs. Despite some muscles working harder than others during this movement, all of those muscles are actively participating in the push-up. When a muscle isn’t helping in the way that it should, that’s when you get movement compensations that can lead to pain and injury. It’s always critical that you pay attention to your form and nail that right at the beginning. Bodyweight training teaches your body how to work together as a team.
    5. Neverending variety:
    Bodyweight training never gets boring. There are always more exercises to learn, challenges to overcome and more burpees to be done. The adidas Training app is packed with different workouts and exercises to keep you motivated and strong. Try something new for your next workout and challenge yourself!
    Did this inspire you to give bodyweight training a go? Or perhaps you’re a bodyweight training fanatic already and have your favorite workouts? Just remember to focus on training as a way to improve your overall fitness. It’s not just about weight loss – that’s the icing on the cake. Strength comes in many forms and bodyweight training can give you the confidence to reach your fitness goals and beyond. 

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    How to Get Rid of Cellulite? 4 Nutrition Tips and Glutes Workouts

    You probably clicked on this post because you want tips on how to get rid of cellulite. We are very aware of how society teaches us from an early age to “hate” certain things about ourselves. This is a problem that almost all of us struggle with in one way or another.
    That’s why we want to tell you this: first and foremost, your body is not your enemy. A lot of people look in the mirror and see their flaws first. Sure, there’s always room for improvement. But just because your butt might not look as perky as you’d like or your thighs touch when you walk or run, doesn’t mean you need to punish yourself for it. There are healthy, sustainable changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle that will be reflected in how you look and feel.
    Algae body wraps, anti-cellulite oil, or a 10-day serum… Let’s be honest: all those high-priced magic cures that are supposed to get you rid of cellulite overnight just don’t work. The most effective remedy to ease your worries about how you look in running tights is to just start loving your body for the amazing things it is capable of. If you’re not quite there yet, don’t worry – you’re not alone.
    The good news: There are ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Nutrition, foam rolling and your fitness motivation are the keys to toned legs and a firm butt. 

    What is cellulite?
    First of all, cellulite is not a disease. This term describes the fat tissue under your skin which usually is present your in thighs and butt. Women are affected by cellulite more than men, because the distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue is different. Fat cells and collagen fibers are intertwined in a net-like structure in a man’s subcutaneous tissue. Those fibers are parallel in women, making the tissue less stable. Therefore, fat cells can emerge at the surface by passing in between the collagen fibers. However, men can also show signs of cellulite when suffering from a lack of androgens, the male sex hormones.
    Reasons for cellulite
    There are a few reasons why some are more likely to be affected by weak connective tissue than others:
    Genetic predisposition: Like many things – some of which we love, some less so, those lumps under your skin are hereditary. If your mom is struggling with weak connective tissue, you’re more likely to develop cellulite, too. 
    Hormones: You feel particularly uncomfortable in your skin right before your period? This s might be due to changes in your hormone balance. Plus, did you know that also birth control pills can promote cellulite on the thighs and butt?
    Unhealthy lifestyle: Alcohol, cigarettes, or stress all have negative effects on your body. Unhealthy food choices contribute to cellulite too, as excess body fat is often deposited in areas like your thighs.

    Nutrition tips to get rid of cellulite
    A healthy, balanced diet is not just a great way to shed a few pounds – it also gives you more energy to do what you love, which benefits your mind and body. Enlarged fat cells restrict your blood vessels. As a consequence, the blood flow in your whole body is hampered, your metabolism slows down, and lymph drainage is impaired. This, in turn, makes your skin less elastic and cellulite more visible. So, what do we do? Boost your metabolism! Say no to fast food, as well as fatty foods, alcohol, and sugar.
     4 diet tips to get rid of cellulite:
    Lots of liquids: Drink enough fluids like water or unsweetened tea (try green tea or nettle tea) during the day. This helps your body transport vital nutrients to its cells and eliminate waste products.
    Low-sodium nutrition: Did you know that foods rich in salt lead to fluid retention in body tissue? This contributes to the appearance of cellulite..
    Foods rich in potassium: Go for foods like apricots, bananas, potatoes, ginger and artichokes. They have one thing in common: they contain lots of potassium. This important mineral helps with oxygen and nutrient transport to your cells. Moreover, potassium also promotes the excretion of waste products from your body while cells are repaired and renewed. Also nuts with a high vitamin E content are great for your skin. But, keep in mind that nuts contain lots of fats. A handful a day is enough.
    Vitamin C: Bell peppers and kiwis are both rich in vitamin C, which fosters collagen production in your body. And collagen is responsible for smooth and even skin.

    A general rule to follow:
    Avoid crash diets! The quick weight loss (and gain) can encourage cellulite. Plus, you also lose muscle with crash diets, and muscle is what firms up your body tissue.

    If you’re looking for nutrition tips, check out our blog posts on reasons to quit sugar, healthy foods that cleanse the body or the difference between good and bad calories!

    Exercise tips for a toned body
    Now that we’ve talked about how to fuel your body in a way that makes you feel amazing, it’s time to get active. Literally. If you really want to lose weight and/or tone your body, as well as get rid of cellulite, you need to get moving. Strengthen your butt and thigh muscles to shrink fat cells in these areas and to tighten your connective tissue.
    Squats, lunges, or a HIIT workout – all strengthen your legs and basically the entire body. Plus, those exercises will boost your metabolism. Bodyweight Training is also very effective if you’re looking to work several muscle groups at the same time. If your priority is burning calories, try Tabata training, interval runs, hill workouts, or skipping rope! Or just pick one of these 4 amazing fat burning workouts.
    Glutes Workout for a Toned Butt and Legs
    Check out this great 15-minute home workout with leg and butt exercises:

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    And here’s one last tip:
    Have you ever heard of fascia training or foam rolling? Fascia is the connective tissue that stabilizes and separates muscles. After an intense workout or tons of squats, your muscles need time for recovery. Try foam rolling to support the process.

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    HIIT Workouts, Tabata or Circuit Training: 6 Exercises for Customized Home Workouts

    We all have our favorite home workouts. What puts a smile on your face? Is it getting the adrenaline pumping with a HIIT workout? The quick 4-minute blast of a tabata workout? Or  maybe the familiarity of circuit training? 
    These 6 exercises can be combined to create different bodyweight workouts for you to try at home and add some variety to your fitness routine. And don’t forget to cool down with some stretching to facilitate recovery afterward.
    6 Exercises for Home Workouts • Level: Beginner to Intermediate 

    Stretching for Recovery 
    Muscles tightening up? It’s time to stretch! Here are a few easy stretches to loosen up. Foam rolling after a workout is also a great way to facilitate recovery.

    Choose Your Favorite Home Workout: 6 Combinations 

    Classic Circuit Training Plan 3-5 rounds. Depending on your level, start with eight reps (per exercise) and increase to 16 reps or more. After each round take a break for max 40s and have some water. The shorter the breaks are, the more intense the workout gets – even with fewer repetitions. But take at least 20 seconds to rest between rounds. When you are done, add some stretches, such as Cobra Stretch and Downward Dog. Stay in these for 25 seconds each.
    Pyramid This method is common in weight training but is also very effective for bodyweight workouts. Choose your exercises and start with one repetition of each exercise. In the second round increase to two reps, adding one repetition each round until you reach ten. When you’ve reached ten, do the same exercises working your way down to one. This adds variety to your bodyweight workouts. Mixing methods and challenging your muscles in different ways has more impact on muscle growth and leads to great results in the long run. You can stop when you’ve reached ten or work your way down to one rep, but try going up & down for a tough challenge.
    HIIT Workout High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a fun way to get the most out of your training with the highest intensity. Perform each exercise for 40s, take 20s rest after each exercise, then continue with the next one. Put everything you’ve got into those 40 seconds. Exercises with left and right variations can be split into 20/20s if you like. Take a 40s break after each round and shoot for three rounds.
    Tabata Workout Tabata is a type of high intensity interval training that keeps your body burning calories after you’re finished. One tabata workout is four minutes long, 20s workout and 10s rest for eight rounds. If you’re up to it, repeat the tabata workout for another four minutes.
    Example: choose four exercises that you repeat when you’re done with the first cycle: 
    Beginner Burpees
    Low Plank Jack-Taps
    Tuck Crunches
    Butt Kicks

    You can also choose one exercise for the whole tabata workout, such as eight Beginner Burpees. If you go for this option, you can also add more single-exercise tabata workouts, e.g. three more, choosing three exercises. If you choose a left/right exercise you can alternate the side for 20s each. 

    Combine methods and test yourself Take the classic circuit approach and start the first round with a moderate number of reps, let’s say ten. In your second round you go all in for intervals, for example 30s workout,15s rest. The third round is reps again, and the fourth round is back to intervals.
    Challenge yourself Change the pace of your workout to make it more challenging. Performing exercises really slowly to focus on your muscles, form, and breathing increases the intensity and targets your deeper muscles. You can also try a slow round, then a regular pace, then a fast round of exercises. Do every exercise for 20-30 seconds and you will feel the difference between the intensity levels. To mix things up even more, split the time and do half of the exercises slowly and half fast.

    Remember to stay hydrated. If you are squeezing a home workout into a busy day, you might feel the pressure to get back to the millions of other things you have to do. Keep a water bottle nearby so you can avoid getting dehydrated.

    No matter what you do, always watch your form and don’t forget to warm up. This is especially important before you start an intense HIIT training session like tabata. Your muscles will appreciate the preparation time before you really put them to work; warming up is an essential part of injury prevention. These types of workouts shouldn’t be done more than three times per week; your body needs time to rest and recover. Exercises like Plié Squat Arm Circles or Beginner Burpees are also great to warm up and get your blood flowing when you do them slowly and in a controlled manner. Butt Kicks and Front Knee Kick & Reach are not only great exercises for your home workout but also the perfect way to warm up before you go for a run.
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    Lower Body Workout >> 7 Resistance Band Exercises for Abs, Legs and Butt (+ Video)

    Easy to store, fun to use, and effective – resistance bands add variety to your workouts. Whether you want to increase the intensity of specific exercises or put together a quick running warm up, resistance band exercises are a great way to work even the smallest muscle groups and are suitable for any fitness level. 
    Try a resistance band workout today and see for yourself! 
    Workout Video: 7 Effective Resistance Band Exercises 
    Check out our video with resistance band exercises for a great lower body workout:
    Duration: 15-20 minutes
    Warm up: included
    Number of exercises: 7 (+ 4 warm-up exercises)
    Muscle groups: abs, legs and butt
    What you need: resistance bands, exercise matt 
    This 15 to 20 minute (incl. warm up) resistance band workout is easy to integrate into your day. Work your abs, legs and butt with these home exercises. Just grab your resistance bands and get started! 

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    Can’t get enough? Get more resistance band exercises to add variety to your training or put together your own resistance band workout with these suggestions.
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    How to Lose Man Boobs: Best 4 Tips to Get Rid of Moobs

    Man boobs, “moobs” or, medically termed, gynecomastia is defined by the National Institute of Health as the benign growth of male breast glandular tissue, usually caused by an increase of estrogen, decrease in testosterone or the use of numerous medications. Gynecomastia can affect men of all ages from infants all the way to grown men.

    Another type of man boobs, which we will focus on in this post, is known as pseudogynecomastia and is caused by an increase in fat deposits. This type is most commonly seen in overweight and obese men. Neither should be anything to worry about, but, as imagined, the symptoms of hormone imbalance and being overweight might not be pleasant and, in both cases, getting a checkup with your doctor is always recommended.
    While “man boobs” might sound like a funny name and something to chuckle at, those with them can actually feel really self-conscious about their physical appearance. It’s always important that we take people’s feelings into consideration.
    If you or someone you know has man boobs due to an increase in fat deposits, here are some tips on how you can increase muscle mass (especially in the chest), lose body fat and thus minimize the appearance of them.
    4 Tips to Get in Shape & Lose Man Boobs
    1. Get a medical checkup
    We mentioned this before, and we’ll say it again: You can never go wrong with a checkup with your doctor, and it’s always a good idea to do so before beginning any new diet or workout regimen. Let him/her know your concerns and your goals and get approval that your plan is safe for you.

    Ask your doc to check out your hormone levels to identify the cause, too.

    2. Clean up your diet
    It’s no secret that a balanced diet and caloric deficit play a major role in weight loss. The first step is to set your goal and start tracking your daily food intake. Most people are not aware of how much they are really eating, and food tracking can be a real eye-opener. And, you might want to reduce your consumption of these 5 food groups if you want to lose weight.

    3. Bodyweight training
    Bodyweight training is amazing because a lot of the exercises recruit multiple muscle groups, resulting in more calories burned. So, don’t just focus on chest exercises, alone! Yes, push-ups are an excellent example of a bodyweight exercise for the chest! But did you know that push-ups also work your arms, shoulders, back, core and require activation from the glutes and legs as well?

    The wider your hand placement during a push-up, the more your chest is working. And, you don’t have to go super-fast. Play with the tempo of the push-up and try doing some really slowly as well. Feel the burn?

    4. Strength train with weights
    You really want to focus on building muscle rather than doing endless cardio to burn fat. Plus, muscle is a very energy-demanding tissue, meaning the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn at rest. Chest exercises like chest press and cable chest flies are a great example of muscle-building exercises for the chest.

    Don’t focus only on chest exercises. A total-body approach is key (when it comes to training) to lose the fat. Plus, exercise can boost testosterone levels in men which (among many other things) helps build and sustain muscle mass.

    Myth or Fact: Is it really possible to fully get rid of man boobs?

    This really depends on how much fat tissue and what the elasticity of the skin is like. It could be that after you lose weight, you also lose your man boobs. But it could also be the case that when there is a lot of fat to lose, the skin then hangs loosely. While there are surgical procedures to eliminate excess skin after weight loss — you should probably first give yourself some credit for your accomplishment! Weight loss isn’t easy. It takes dedication and commitment to yourself and to your health. However, if left with excess skin, the surgical procedure is ultimately your decision.
    So as you can see, in the case of pseudogynecomastia, increasing your activity level and cleaning up your diet, leading to overall weight loss, is really the way to lose man boobs! Want to begin your weight-loss journey, but not sure where to start? Here are 8 tips to get started towards a healthier lifestyle.
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    Butt Exercises: The 15 Best Bodyweight Exercises for a Bigger Butt

    Looking to sculpt and strengthen your glutes? Then you’ve come to the right place!
    With these 15 bodyweight exercises you can create your own butt workout at home. Here’s how to do it:
    Pick 4-6 exercises
    Do as many reps as you need to feel your glutes really working. For some exercises, such as the Single Leg Hip Thrust, you might need only 8, for others, such as the Frog Pump, you might need to do 30
    Repeat for 3-5 rounds
    Do a butt workout at least 3 times a week
    Exercise list: 15 best butt exercises to do at home
    1. Bridge
    Great starting exercise – the Bridge will not only work your glutes but also your back and abs. Working on core stabilization and glute strength might even help relieve some back pain. Add a resistance band around your knees to make the exercise harder or choose other variations below. Make sure to check these exercise mistakes before your start.

    Lie on your back. Bend your knees and lift your hips up until your body forms a straight line from knees to head. Keep your heels under your knees, not too far forward or backward. If you feel this exercise straining your back, make sure your abs are tight and you are lifting from your hips, not your chest.
    2. Single Leg Bridge
    The Single Leg Bridge is a more challenging variation of the Bridge.

    Lie on your back with your knees bent. Extend one leg. Push up with the heel of the other leg to lift yourself off the floor. Keep your hips level. If you don’t feel this in your glutes, try this: bend the extended leg and place that foot on the knee of your bottom leg. Repeat with the other leg.
    3. Marching Bridge
    This exercise requires good hip stability. It can also be used as a good warm up exercise for other workouts!

    Perform this exercise like the Single Leg Bridge, but alternate sides with each rep without letting your hips go down to the floor between reps. The main goal is to keep your hips level; don’t turn side to side as you switch legs.
    4. Hip Thrust
    The Hip Thrust is a must for everyone looking to develop their backside, because it makes your butt work against gravity at an optimal angle. You can use the resistance band around your knees to activate your side glutes more.

    Support your upper back on a couch, bed, or a bench, so that the lower part of your shoulder blades is located on the edge of the surface. Look for a height where your chest and knees can be in a straight line. Pull your feet towards you so that they are placed below your knees. Keep your knees bent and push through the heels to lift your hips up from the ground. Experiment with your foot positions to find an angle where you feel your glutes really working.
    5. Single Leg Hip Thrust
    Take the Hip Thrust exercise to the next level!

    The setup is the same as for the Hip Thrust, followed by lifting one foot off of the ground. Push through the heel on the floor and use your hips to lift yourself up. Don’t let your hips fall towards one side, keep them level. Repeat with the other leg.
    6. Fire Hydrant
    The Fire Hydrant is an amazing exercise for an intense glute pump. Add a resistance band around your knees for more burn!

    Start on all fours. Lift one leg up to the side. Go only as high as you can without shifting your torso to the side. Don’t arch your back, keep it stable and neutral. Initiate the movement from your glutes/hip. Repeat with the other leg.
    7. Frog Pump
    Here is another glute burner to use in your workout. Don’t forget, you might need a lot of reps (20+) to really feel this one burn.

    Lie on your back with your knees bent and pointed outwards and the soles of your feet together (toes to toes, heel to heel). Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up until your body forms a straight line from neck to knee. Pushing your heels together as you lift your hips up or bringing your feet closer to your butt can help activate your glutes more.
    8. Donkey Kicks
    The Donkey Kick is a popular move for targeting the glutes. It works great when used in a super set with the Fire Hydrant for an all-around glute pump. Add a resistance band around your knees to make the exercise harder. Make sure to check these exercise mistakes before your start.

    Get on all fours. Lift one heel up towards the ceiling while keeping your knee bent. Don’t arch your back to lift your leg up – initiate the movement from your hips/glutes. It’s all about activating your glute to lift your leg, not about lifting your foot as high as possible. Repeat with the other leg.
    9. Bulgarian Split Squats
    Single leg exercises like this one can be quite challenging but effective. If you don’t feel ready to do it, you can substitute with Backward Lunges (nr. 13) instead.

    Stand in front of a couch, chair, or something similar. Rest one foot on the elevated surface behind you. Squat down by flexing your knee and hip of your front leg. Push off from the floor with the heel of your front leg to get back up. Through this movement the majority of your weight should be on the front leg; the back leg provides support. The front knee is pointing toward the toes. Repeat with the other leg.
    10. Curtsy Lunges
    Forward Lunges will mostly work the front of your thighs, but with Curtsy, Side & Backward Lunges you can feel the glutes really working.

    Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Take a step back to the side, so that the back leg crosses behind your front leg, while your hips are still pointing forward. Keep the weight mainly on the front leg. Push the heel of the front foot to the ground to get back up. Repeat on the other side.
    11. Side Lunges
    Apart from working your front thighs and glutes, Side Lunges add some extra work for your inner and outer thighs. Make sure to check these exercise mistakes before your start.

    Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Lift one leg and step to side, while pushing your hips back. Keep your knee pointing straight ahead in the direction of your toes. The other leg stretches out, with the foot planted on the floor. Push off from the floor with the heel of the bent leg to lift yourself up. Repeat on the other side.
    12. Backward Lunges
    Compared to the Forward Lunge, the torso angle in the backward variation activates your glutes more and puts less stress on your knees.

    Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Step back with one foot until your front knee is bent at about 90 degrees. A slight forward lean at the torso will emphasize the glute work, but don’t lean too far forward. Push off from the floor with the front heel to get back up. Repeat on the other side.
    13. Hip Abduction
    Great isolation exercise for extra work on your side glutes. Add a resistance band around your ankles to make it harder.

    Stand tall with one hand holding onto something for support. Lift one leg away from your body, with your toes pointed forward, not up. Initiate the movement from your hips, not by leaning your torso to the side. Try moving the leg a little bit backward or leaning slightly forward to see if it helps you feel your glutes working more.
    14. Single Leg Deadlift
    Glutes, lower back, and single leg stability all in one – Single Leg Deadlift is one of those exercises that should be done slowly to get the most out of it. If it feels easy, try doing it with your hands on your waist, and check that your heel is lifted all the way up to the same level as your hips. If this is hard, start lower and move it up over time.

    Stand on one leg with the other leg slightly bent. Bend the knee of the standing leg and push your hips back, bending at the waist, to lean your upper body towards the ground. Use your hips to get back up to the starting position. Your goal is to stay stable throughout the whole movement. If you’re feeling very wobbly, hold on to something for support and reduce the range of motion.
    15. Kneel & Stand
    This advanced move will target your glutes and improve your balance while keeping your heart rate up.

    Kneel on the floor. Now step into a half kneel with one knee up. Push off the floor with the heel of the front leg and bring the other leg up. Kneel back down with one leg first, followed by the other. Repeat on the other side.
    Are butt exercises without weights effective?
    These butt exercises give you a good foundation for shaping your butt without weights. Stay consistent and really feel your glutes burn after each workout. If you have dumbbells, a resistance band, kettlebells, or similar equipment, make sure to include them, too. Muscle building is based on progressive overload, so you need to keep it challenging!
    Ready to start working on stronger glutes?
    You can find most of these exercises with detailed video instructions in the adidas Training app along with a 12-week bodyweight workout plan you can do at home.

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