As you get older, general fitness seems to be one of the first things to slip. Perhaps you are too busy, too tired, too stressed––the list of excuses goes on. However, one excuse that’s simply not true is that you are too old.
While nobody said getting older is easy––especially when it comes to maintaining fitness––there are countless examples of older athletes who defy their age and continue performing at a high level. Two prime examples are Laird Hamilton and Joe Rogan. While both men are in their 50s, training and fitness remain at the forefront of their focus.
In this 10-minute video, the two discuss the importance of staying fit as you get older, tips for staying motivated, and why saying that you’re “too old to workout” is not true.For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube! More
I had dismissed the news as clickbait, but here McConaughey is, Zooming in the same wood-paneled room that he appeared in on Colbert—except this evening, a tall, gold-fringed American flag stood behind his shoulder.
Matthew McConaughey driving his car in Texas Photograph by Camila Alves McConaughey & Levi Alves McConaughey
I ask, “So, you’re really not going to run for Texas governor?”
“I said, I have no plans to,” McConaughey replies, sipping.
“OK, so what about the White House?” I chuckle; McConaughey doesn’t.
“Listen, I think everybody should at least entertain the idea. It’s a form of actually defining your values: ‘What if I was president of the whole world?’ You’re forced to consider your priorities.”
Just hypothetically speaking, I say, what would his campaign slogan be?
“Ha, ha, ha. Oh, I get sent a lot of ’em. I love it. There was one I really liked: ‘Make America All Right, All Right, All Right, Again.’ That’s a fun one.”
“But for me…” he pauses a second. “It’s ‘Meet Me in the Middle—I Dare You.’ ” He held up his thumbs and fore-fingers, and mimicked reading the campaign slogan on a bumper sticker. It’s the same type of social pragmatism that fills his book: When facing any crisis, I’ve found that a good plan is to first recognize the problem, then stabilize the situation, organize the response, then respond. (Folks, he’s running.)
Matthew McConaughey relaxing at home Photograph by Camila Alves McConaughey & Levi Alves McConaughey
“You can’t have unity without confrontation. And to have confrontation, you have to at least validate the other’s position. We don’t even do that. So I’d say, I’ll meet you in the middle. I dare you. It’s a challenge, a radical move. You come this way, I’ll come your way. That’s how democracy works.” More4. Toe pickupsPlace several small objects on the ground such as marbles, game pieces, Superballs, or golf balls. Using your toes only, pick them up one at a time and drop them into a bowl or box. This improves foot mobility and strength.5. Trigger point release
From a sitting or standing position with one foot on a small-ish ball (think golf or lacrosse ball), roll the ball back and forth along the arch of your foot. Stop on any sore or stiff spots and focus on that area. Repeat on the other foot. This can be done several times a day, perhaps while watching TV or at your desk. If a lacrosse ball is too hard, try RAD’s Point Release Kit. 6. Big toe stretch
The big toe takes a beating wedged into tight shoes. This can impact mobility and flexibility if not addressed. While sitting in a chair, rest your right foot across your left thigh. Using your right hand, stretch your big toe up, down, and to both sides, holding for five seconds at each point. Repeat 10 times and switch feet.7. Foam rolling
This poor man’s massage uses deep compression to roll out muscle spasms. The compression causes the nerves to relax, gets the blood flowing, and helps the body recover from the stresses of the day, including your training regimen. Glide your sore feet over the roller and hold on to tender points for 30 seconds to alleviate soreness.8. Toe wall walks
Lie on your back with knees and hips bent to 90 degrees, feet flat against a wall, and arms by your sides. While maintaining contact with the wall, walk your feet as far as you can up the wall by curling your toes and pulling your feet up. At the end of your range of motion, walk your feet down the wall by curling your toes and pushing your feet down. Repeat for a set of 10. MoreWe could all use COVID-19 travel tips. The country is slowly reopening (finally!), which means people who’ve been stuck in their houses for the last few months are itching to get out and travel again—even if that just means booking a flight to see family. With COVID-19 numbers still rising in certain cities, though, social distancing […] More
With each year, your habits, beliefs, hell, even your vocabulary can seem to grow stagnant. But with a little effort, you can keep your mind malleable, get smarter, and be a more informed citizen. Try these strategies and apps.
Expert Ways to Get Smarter and Be More Engaged Citizen
1. Break Out of Your Bubble
“We’ve become strangers to each other in sadly dangerous ways,” says learning and development consultant Paula Green. “Set aside time to talk to someone who voted differently or who lives a different lifestyle from you, and really listen. Ask them, ‘What’s important to you?’ Be curious, not cajoling. You might find that your needs are not that different from theirs.”2. Volunteer
Lend your energy and expertise to those who need it, and you’ll pull back the curtain on a different slice of life—and feel valued for your efforts. Luckily, it’s easier than ever to find a volunteer opportunity that suits your availability and expertise: Peruse sites like VolunteerMatch, Catchafire, and HandsOn Connect.
Illustration of a man reading on subway Illustration by Kagan McLeod3. Keep Learning
Your dorm days might be in the rear view, but that doesn’t mean you need to rely on a stash of edibles for mind expansion. Thousands of college courses are available for free online—including over 500 from Ivy League schools like Harvard, Cornell, and Princeton. Whether you’re looking to learn coding, go deep on Bitcoin, or tackle Shakespeare again, you’ll likely find a lesson plan for you. Bonus: Most are self-guided and taught virtually. To narrow down the offerings, use Class Central.4. SHARPEN YOUR SCREEN TIME
Stop the mindless scrolling and bolster your brain with this trio of apps: Climb makes it easy to expand your vocabulary via fun, personalized quizzes with clues that include animated GIFs. Lumosity trains your brain through memory, multitasking, and focus challenges, sharpening skills that have real-world applications. And Memrise is like TikTok for learning a second language. Instead of memorizing awkward, outdated textbook phrases, you learn common phrases and slang from native speakers in snack-size videos.
For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube! More