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    Pregnancy Exercise: All You Need to Know Before You Start

    Pregnancy, especially the first one, brings up a lot of questions. And while exercise is generally advisable for pregnant women, it can be hard to figure out what exactly to do.You’ll find everything you need to know here:Answers to the most common questions regarding safe pregnancy exerciseSpecific trimester tips and other tips for prenatal workoutsTraining plan examplesPrenatal home workouts in the adidas Training app1. Who should not exercise during pregnancy?In uncomplicated pregnancies, exercise is highly encouraged (see Pregnancy exercise benefits). However, there are certain conditions in which exercise is not permitted (absolute contraindications) or allowed only under special supervision (relative contraindications).(1)Keep in mind: You should always get approval from your doctor before starting any exercise during pregnancy.Absolute contraindicationsMultiple pregnancies at risk of premature labor Persistent 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester bleedingPlacenta previa after 26 weeks of gestation Premature labor during current pregnancyRuptured chorioamniotic membranes Preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension Severe anemia Certain types of heart and lung disease Incompetent cervix or cerclageRelative contraindications: AnemiaChronic bronchitisPoorly controlled type 1 diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, or seizure disorderExtreme obesity or underweightHistory of extremely sedentary lifestyleIntrauterine growth restriction in current pregnancyUnevaluated maternal cardiac arrhythmia Orthopedic limitationsHeavy smokerBefore you begin exercising, make sure to also check the warning signs to know when you should stop exercising.2. What kind of exercise is safe? Even though the doctor has cleared you for exercise, the changes you experience during pregnancy might still make you wonder what kind of exercise is safe. Unsafe sports during pregnancy(2)Sports with a high risk of falling or injury (i.e. skiing, climbing, horseback riding, martial arts, diving, surfing, etc.)Contact sports like soccer, handball, and basketballLifting weights heavier than you are used to and need to strain to liftCompetitive sports and races, unless you are an athlete supervised by coach and doctorActivities at high altitudes ( > 2500 m/8,200 ft) and high temperatures (hot yoga)Scuba divingMost other sports activities are generally safe, but you still need to consider your individual experience and skill level. If you were…Active before pregnancy – can you keep doing what you were doing?If you were active before pregnancy, you can consider continuing with the same or similar activities, unless they’re on the above-mentioned list of unsafe sports. You need to consider your physical changes (see Exercise Tips and Adjusting to Your Trimester) that may require necessary modifications and adjust the intensity (see How intensely can you exercise while pregnant).Not active before pregnancy – can you start exercising?Yes, but you need to do it gradually. Start at a low intensity (where you can normally keep a conversation while active), working out continuously for 10 minutes. You can start with 10-minute walks, too.Over the next 2-4 weeks, aim to increase the duration of the workout (or walk) to 30 to 45 minutes and the intensity to a moderate level (see How intensely can you exercise while pregnant). This will entirely depend on how your body responds to the exercise and how your pregnancy evolves.(3)Prenatal workouts such as Short Seated Stretching and Yoga Inspired Mobility in the adidas Training app can be a great start. Pregnancy is unpredictable. So instead of setting expectations, aim to be content with knowing that you are doing the best you can, while at the same time honoring your current situation, whatever that is.Make sure to check the warning signs to know if you should stop exercising.3. How to choose the best pregnancy workoutPregnancy is a unique opportunity to learn what it really means to “listen to your body”. Choosing the best activity depends not only on your previous experience and preference, you should also consider the current state of your body (and mind). Golden rule: The best pregnancy workout is the one that makes you feel better – more energized or relaxed – than when you started (and not more tired or nervous). Physical changes from pregnancy that may affect exercise(4,5,6)Abdominal muscles get stretched, the core is less efficient in handling loads and pressure Changes in postural balance make pregnant women more likely to sustain a fallHormonal changes causing increased breast size, relaxed ligaments, swelling, fatigue all directly affect how you feel before, during, and after exercise.Oxygen requirements increase, making it harder to sustain longer or intense exerciseIt gets harder to stay hydrated. Drink more water and watch out for signs of dehydrationPostural changes such as changes in the curvature of the lower spine and rounding of the shoulders affect movement The expansion of the belly changes the rib and diaphragm position, affecting breathing.Considerations for different types of activitiesTip:If you like exercise classes, make sure to look for a qualified prenatal instructor and inform them that you are pregnant before starting.Strength TrainingRecommended to support muscle function, improve posture, and metabolism. There is no need to completely avoid resistance training in pregnancy; it can be adapted.Can be done with weights or just using your body weight. There are no specific weight limitations. It depends on your fitness routine and experience before pregnancy. Do not lift anything that requires you to strain or hold your breath. This might be a loaded barbell for some, while dumbbells may be too much for others. A general rule to follow is: never “max out” and stick to higher rep ranges, ending the set when you feel like you could still do some reps. Try the 25-Minute Full-Body Pump and Full-Body Strength prenatal workouts in the adidas Training app.Stretching & Pregnancy YogaMake sure not to overstretch; only stretch as far as is comfortable. Consider avoiding any poses that include backbends, strong and rapid contractions of the abdominal muscles, holding your breath, deep twists, inversions… Try the Yoga Inspired Mobility and Short Seated Stretching workouts in the adidas Training app. For more advanced workouts, qualified supervision is advised (instructor or coach with certification for prenatal workouts).CardioStick to moderate intensities (check out How intensely can you exercise while pregnant?)Avoid any jumping, high-impact, or bouncing movements. The Low-Impact Cardio workout from the adidas Training app was created especially for pregnancy cardio at home.You can keep running during pregnancy if you were running before, as long as you keep the intensity moderate and stop the instant anything begins to feel “off” (pelvic floor heaviness or any other symptom). If you were not running before, stick to walking workouts during pregnancy.Other cardio ideas: swimming, stationary cycling…What’s best? Staying active by combining different types of workouts will bring the best results. For example, a combination of strength and cardio will have a greater effect on reducing the risk for gestational diabetes.(7) 4. Pregnancy Training PlanWhen it comes to prenatal workouts, the most important thing is to listen to your body, not follow a set schedule. That’s why you can find examples of two completely different training plan weeks for pregnancy. These are suggestions only; they show you how much a training plan can depend on our energy levels and current state. You can get all workouts in the adidas Training app and use them according to what feels best!DownloadRemember:At any point in your pregnancy, you might experience changes that require you to modify your fitness plan. Embrace the changes and look for other options. Never push your way through a plan for the sake of discipline.5. How intensely can you exercise while pregnant?The easiest way to measure intensity is the talk test:(8)Can you still hold a conversation while exercising, even though it might be a bit harder? If you have to stop to finish a sentence or pause to be able to breathe normally, the workout is too intense.When it comes to prenatal exercise, it’s essential to keep the intensity moderate. What this means, however, can be different for each person and can also be measured differently.(9)What does moderate intensity feel like? You could continue the activity for a longer period, even though your breathing is getting slightly heavier. It might be more difficult to sustain a conversation, but still possible. Singing would not be an option. You start sweating but are not yet on the verge of feeling uncomfortable.Use a measurement scale: On a scale of 1 to 10, your effort should not feel like more than 6; ideally, it would be between 4 and 6.Doctors and coaches can advise more experienced athletes on how to train at higher intensities.Keep in mind:Some days, the same workout will feel much harder or easier than another day. Don’t worry, this is completely normal. Don’t get stressed out and modify it or choose another workout to be able to keep the intensity moderate.What should my heart rate be during pregnancy exercise?The 140 bpm limit for pregnancy exercise is outdated. Published expert guidelines around the world do not agree on a single number that applies to all pregnant women.(10) A better approach is to modify the intensity based on your perceived effort as explained above.6. Warning signs – when to stop exercisingIf you notice these warning signs at any point during the workout, stop the workout and consult your doctor:(11)Dizziness or feeling faintVaginal bleeding Shortness of breath before starting to exerciseChest pain or abdominal painHeadacheMuscle weakness affecting balanceCalf pain or swellingRegular, painful uterine contractions Fluid gushing or leaking from your vagina7. How often should you work out during pregnancy? 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day on most or all days of the week is considered ideal.(12) However, the ideal fitness routine is not always realistic. Pregnancy is a time when you need to honor the current state of your body. Some days you can do more, others less, or you might even need to just take a day off to rest.Can you work out every day if you feel good? It is best to take rest days from working out (at a moderate intensity), but stay active (with low-intensity activities). You should definitely, as much as your energy allows, be active every day. Movement is healthy and it doesn’t always have to be exercise!Check out the weekly training plan suggestions to get an idea of how to adjust workouts to your energy levels.8. Exercise tips – pelvic floor, breathing, postureEven if you have always exercised regularly, your body will change during pregnancy. It’s important to consider these educational tips when working out.Your Pelvic Floor and Kegel ExercisesWhat is the pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. These are located inside the pelvis. Among other things, they are important for sexual function, stabilization of your core during movement, and preventing incontinence. Why is the pelvic floor important for pregnancy exercise? Pregnancy affects the pelvic floor, mostly by increasing the pressure on it. It can lead to complications such as prolapse or incontinence. You need to watch out for symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness, the sense that something is “falling out of your vagina”, or pain in the pelvic area. This helps you react early enough, modify activities, and avoid further complications. Should you be doing special exercises for the pelvic floor (Kegels)?Doing Kegel exercises can help you get familiar with your pelvic floor muscles and learn how to contract and relax them (both are equally important!). That is crucial for your pelvic health, also later in the postpartum period. However, more is not always better. The pelvic floor works also when you just walk or do other types of work, so don’t overdo it. Based on current research, specific pelvic floor training during pregnancy can decrease the risk for urinary incontinence and may reduce the symptoms of existing urinary incontinence in pregnant women(13,14). If you had a high BMI ( >30) before pregnancy, are over 35 years old, experience coughing, or have a family history of incontinence, it is worth considering adding specific pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy. A general approach is to do 3 sets of 8 repetitions of Kegels, 2 times a day. Pelvic floor muscle training can also be part of your existing workout, like in some of the prenatal workouts in the adidas Training app.Important:When experiencing pain or heaviness in the pelvic area, always consult your healthcare provider before starting an exercise plan on your own.Breathing During Pregnancy ExerciseBreathing is an important part of core stabilization, as it regulates the pressure inside your abdomen. This is even more important during pregnancy, as the growing belly presents an even bigger challenge. It pushes up your diaphragm and restricts its movement. What to focus on during pregnancy breathing exercises Work on rib cage mobility and diaphragm expansion to practice the 360 breathing pattern, where the whole torso expands in all directions, instead of directing the breath only to the upper chest or pushing the belly out. Pregnancy yoga is a great way to get in touch with your breathing. Try the Yoga Inspired Mobility workout or practice for a few minutes every day using exercises such as Side Lying Breathing, Kneeling 360 Breathing, all available in the adidas Training app.Inhale: feel the side and back ribs expand (instead of inhaling into the upper chest and shoulders), relax the pelvic floor and let it “fill with air”.Exhale: feel the pelvic floor move back up and in as the abdomen and rib cage deflateMatch the exhale phase to higher efforts during exercise; avoid holding your breath!Start to practice engaging your deep core muscles (especially m. transversus abdominis), for a couple of minutes each day. This will be especially useful to rebuild core strength postpartum. By adding a pelvic floor contraction to your exhale, you can try to feel your lower abs gently pulling in. If you stand in front of a mirror you should see your belly pull in, while the belly button should ideally not move up. Make sure to relax and inhale fully (releasing the pelvic floor) before each repetition. Try to let the pelvic floor relax naturally as you inhale, and then feel it contract, activate and lift back up as you exhale. Contracting the muscles with more intensity is not better; this is an exercise in awareness.Posture and AlignmentThe weight of your growing belly pulls you forward, which you adapt to and compensate for with your posture. Working on body awareness can help you notice and improve your posture in exercise and in daily life. That way you can build muscles for better alignment, enabling you to distribute the load more equally. It’s also more comfortable in the long term.Posture tips for exercise and daily lifeWhen getting up from a lying position or relaxed sitting on a couch, always roll to your side first and then get up by supporting yourself with your arm.During exercise, keep your chin tucked and ribs aligned over your hips.Check your alignment as often as you can, try to align your ribs over hips, pull your chin back, and use your glutes for support instead of locking your knees.9. Adjust the Workouts to Your TrimesterKeep in mind:Embrace the changes and keep adjusting to what your body is capable of at the moment. These adjustments aren’t permanent, but you don’t want to push too hard and possibly cause permanent issues.Can you lie on your back to exercise while pregnant? Lying on your back for longer periods of time carries some risk, once the weight of the belly is heavy enough to press down on the venous system/blood flow. Exercise promotes blood flow, which is why supine exercise is different from just lying down; it is still safe in most cases. Check with your doctor or midwife if you are unsure. Monitor for dizziness or other uncomfortable feelings. Using pillows under your back to lift up your upper body (at least 15 degrees) will reduce any risks.(15)Can you do Squats?If you don’t have any heaviness or feeling of bearing down in the pelvic floor, you can keep doing squats throughout your pregnancy. Adjust the depth and width of your stance for your comfort. Make sure not to hold your breath. What about abdominal muscle exercises? Exercises that place extra load on the front abs, such as Planks, Sit Ups, Push Ups, Mountain Climbers, Leg Raises will become uncomfortable at some point during your pregnancy. That’s when it’s time to work your core in other ways, especially through breathing and stabilization. Monitor your body for any signs of bulging/doming on the midline of your abs and modify the exercise or skip it. See more under 2nd-trimester tips.First TrimesterFatigue and nausea might increase. Adjust the workout volume, and accept that you have to cut down for now to avoid pushing yourself.Your weight might quickly start to change and you might get hungrier. Pay attention to whether you are experiencing uncomfortable feelings of guilt related to food and trying to compensate with exercise. If this persists, consider working on mindfulness in your relationship with food and your body, seeking help if needed.When tired and in doubt, sleep instead of working out. In most cases, you’ll have more energy during the 2nd trimester.Practicing breathing and connecting the breath to the pelvic floor will pay off in the future, especially during postpartum recovery (see Exercise Tips above). Consider focusing more on the upper body and glute strength to support the upcoming postural changes and loads (growing belly and breast size). You can find lots of prenatal exercise ideas in the adidas Training app. Second TrimesterAs your belly starts to grow, it’s time to watch out for bearing down. This is the sensation of pushing down on your pelvic floor when you need extra support (similar to how you might strain when having a bowel movement). It can be a compensatory strategy to handle the additional pressure. When you engage your abs, the belly should slightly draw in, without a sensation of pushing down on the pelvic floor. If not, modify and/or stop the exercise. Look for a coach or physical therapist who can teach you better strategies to handle the load in person.Are you starting to feel a pulling sensation when tightening your abs? Does the midline on your abs start to come up under effort, creating a doming/bulging look? The diastasis rectus abdominis, a separation of the abdominal muscles, occurs naturally as the belly grows. Most exercises that work the front abs might become uncomfortable in the late second and third trimesters. That’s when they should be replaced with an easier version (that you can still control without bearing down or holding your breath) or avoided entirely.Practice engaging deep core muscles instead with exercises such as Breathing Leg Pointers, Quadruped Tuck, Heel Slides, and many more you can find in the adidas Training app. The home prenatal workouts featured in the app are designed to minimize the front loading.Third TrimesterPosture and movement strategies keep changing as the belly grows and might aggravate existing pain points or create new pain. Common problems in pregnancy are pubic symphysis pain, located on your pubic bone; a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic floor; lower or upper back pain. Monitor yourself for changes and types of pain and consult your doctor. Modify and adjust exercises accordingly. For pubic bone pain avoid single-leg exercises (and other asymmetric exercises) and narrow your squat stance. When it comes to heaviness in the pelvic floor, scale down the movements (avoid weights, adjust depth and stance for lower body exercises) and intensity. For chronic lower and upper back pain, try mobility flows such as Yoga Inspired Mobility in the adidas Training app. Remember to consult your doctor before starting a pregnancy exercise program, especially when feeling pain or discomfort.Stability starts to be affected, so make sure you find your balance before starting any exercise move; this is especially important as the belly gets bigger.Breathing gets harder each day – work on rib mobility and maintaining a full, 360-degree breathing pattern, with side and back expansion of the ribs and the connection to the pelvic floor. You can include an exercise such as Kneeling 360 Breathing from the adidas Training app to your daily routine, if even for just 5 minutes.Pay special attention to signs of pelvic floor dysfunction such as baby feeling very low, difficulty starting urination, evacuating bowels, urine leakage during exercise, or – check with a pelvic floor physiotherapist and modify your workouts to avoid anything that causes symptoms.Reduce walking times if long walks start to cause discomfort, primarily in the pelvic or lower back area. Plan some rest after workouts whenever possible.When strength exercises feel uncomfortable, opt for more seated and side-lying exercises, such as the Short Seated Stretching and the Yoga Inspired Mobility in the adidas Training app.It gets harder to stay hydrated; make sure you drink water throughout the day, especially when you work out outdoors or sweat.Pregnancy Exercise BenefitsResearch has shown that regular exercise is not only good for the expectant mother but the child as a fetus and into childhood, too.(16) If you need some extra motivation to start, here are the key benefits of prenatal exercise.Exercise in pregnancy…eases common pregnancy-related problems like backache, posture issues, and constipationreduces your risk of gestational diabetesincreases the supply of oxygen for you and your childstrengthens your cardiovascular system, making you feel fitter and more resilient, which might also help you handle the strain of giving birthmight help prevent blood clots and varicose veinscould improve the quality of your sleepenhances your general sense of well-being and helps with mood swings and stressTakeawayAt first it may seem at first like exercising during the prenatal period is really complicated. However, your body will tell you a lot of important information to guide you.Pregnancy is an opportunity to learn what it really means to “listen to your body”. You might encounter roadblocks, but if you don’t give up, you will also discover new strategies for self-care and awareness, which will also be useful postpartum.Remember, staying active throughout your pregnancy benefits both you and the baby.*** More

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    7 Exercises to Build Strong Shoulders Without Weights

    Today we’re talking about the shoulders. Now it might seem more intuitive for a man to train his shoulders because “men need and want strong arms,” right?Wrong! Everybody needs to strengthen their shoulders because, while the shoulder is extremely mobile, it’s also extremely unstable and susceptible to injury.Some words on shoulder injuries:Shoulder injuries are really common because the potential range of motion is great, yet not very many people do what it takes to strengthen and work on shoulder flexibility.If that’s not enough reason for you, strong and defined shoulders can create the illusion of making your waist appear smaller. Now you’re listening…While many of us aren’t really thinking about the role our shoulders play in everyday activities, let me remind you: bringing in the groceries, lifting up the kids, picking things up off of the floor and putting them in the closet, cleaning up — you’re using your shoulders.What Exercise is Best for the Shoulders?You can try out the bodyweight exercises listed below to help build strong shoulders while strengthening all the tendons, ligaments, and muscle tissue (of course!). And the great thing, you don’t even need equipment such as weights at all.Shoulder Muscles Anatomy: What Are the 3 Shoulder Muscles?Before we start, let me give you a super quick shoulder muscles anatomy lesson. The deltoid is the main muscle in the shoulder.It is a large, triangular-shaped muscle. Even though it is one muscle, due to its size and different muscle fibers, it is usually talked about in three parts:anterior (front) deltoidmedial (side) deltoidposterior (rear) deltoidThe anterior, medial, and posterior parts of the deltoid help move the arm and stabilize the shoulder joint. But they do not work alone. There are many more muscles supporting the shoulder joint. The so-called rotator cuff muscles are a good example. Hidden below the larger deltoid, they are not the first thing you notice when you look at your shoulder. However, these four small muscles on the back of your shoulder play an extremely important part in arm movements and stabilization.We’re going to hit all of these with the following exercises so you strengthen your shoulders and stay pain- and injury-free.What Exercises Build Shoulder Muscles? ► 7 Exercises for Anterior, Medial & Posterior Deltoid Muscle GrowthFrom simple beginner exercises to advanced: Here are shoulder exercises to build your shoulder strength at home, without equipment, no matter what your current fitness level is. Plus: Don’t miss the bonus postural exercise at the end! 1. Plank-to-Down Dog How to Do a Plank-To-Down Dog:This is a great move for shoulder flexibility — especially the rotator cuff. You don’t need to perform this exercise quickly. Take your time. This is actually a good bodyweight warm-up exercise before you start your shoulder training.2. Inclined Wall Push-Ups How to Do Inclined Wall Push-Ups:Having your upper body higher than your lower body in this movement will recruit more of the anterior deltoid. Choose a surface lower than the wall to challenge your shoulder more, like a table or a low stair. Make sure that your core is engaged and your hips, shoulders, and feet are in one line (as in a regular push-up). You want the edge of whatever surface you’re doing this exercise on to come right underneath your chest (or boobs).3. Pike Push-ups How to Do Pike Push-Ups:This exercise is a step on your way to mastering a handstand push-up and is great for the anterior as well as the medial deltoids. Make sure that you look at your legs (not your hands) while keeping your spine neutral and the crown of your head pointing towards the ground.Ready for the next step?Elevate your legs on a step, bench, curb, chair, etc. The same rules apply: keep that neutral spine position and the crown of your head pointing towards the ground. If you’re attempting to do this for the first time alone, put a pillow under your head just in case. This is what the advanced exercise should look like:4. Prone X How to a Do Prone X:This exercise is good for the posterior (rear) delts as well as the back muscles. Be sure that your core and glutes are engaged throughout the movement. Focus on using your shoulder blades to pull the arms out to the side. And, like the Plank-To-Down Dog, this is not a race – slower and more controlled is better and safer!5. Up Downs How to Do Up Downs:Are you looking for a Plank variation that will challenge your shoulders? Try Up Downs to really feel your anterior (front) deltoid work.Place your hands directly under your shoulders. Engage the core to keep the hips square to the ground and avoid rotating the body to the sides. Pressing asymmetrically requires a lot of stability and is not something you usually do with other Plank and Push Up variations. So don’t be surprised if you feel a bit sore!6. Hindu Push Ups How to Do Hindu Push UpsThe Hindu Push Up is an advanced Push Up variation that takes shoulders through a bigger range of motion.Start the exercise by doing a Plank-To-Down Dog. Then dive deeper to the front, keeping the shoulders controlled as possible. The movement should be fluid. Tip:Keeping your elbows away from the floor throughout the movement will engage your deltoid more. If you bring your elbows down closer to the floor, you will feel your triceps work more.7. Wall Handstand Kick Up How to Do Wall Handstand Kick UpAre you an advanced athlete looking for the most challenging shoulder moves to do at home without any equipment? Then handstand variations are the way to go! Good to know:Make sure to build up shoulder strength slowly and carefully. Even just climbing up a wall with your legs and holding for a couple of seconds will heavily load your shoulders, so you need to be prepared and already have a strong base.Keep your upper body aligned (shoulders over hands) and aim to create a 90-degree angle with your hips for the Wall Handstand Kick Up. If you can, lift one leg at a time, keeping glutes engaged.Bonus Exercise for Better Shoulder PostureWall Lateral Pull-Downs  Did you know that your posture affects strength, function, and even the appearance of your shoulders?Wall Lateral Pull-Downs can help you open up your shoulders, discover a better alignment, and increase confidence. It is especially beneficial for those with forward “rounded shoulders”: This type of posture is common for those who spend a lot of time with their head forward or looking down (example: desk jobs, fine handwork, holding a baby, or even browsing your phone).Tips:If the exercise seems very easy, you are either very flexible or not doing it right!Tuck your chin. Your arms should be in contact with the wall at all points. Shoulder blades are stable and down. Make sure not to lift your lower ribs up to increase shoulder range of motion. Don’t push it. Try to relax. The range of motion will come with repetitions!Looking for more exercises you can do to build a strong body without any equipment? Download the adidas Training app and start your complete 12-week personalized bodyweight training plan today!*** More

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    Sarcopenia: How to Prevent and Treat Age-Related Muscle Loss With Nutrition and Sports

    Disclaimer:The information provided in this blog post is for guidance purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice.Sarcopenia: symptoms to watch forPeople who suffer from sarcopenia experience a loss of muscle mass. This loss of strength also results in increased weakness and less mobility. This, in return, can increase the risk of injury, such as fractures from falls (e.g., broken hips, collarbones, legs, arms, wrists).Please note:If you experience one or more of these symptoms or just have the feeling that you might suffer from sarcopenia, please talk to your doctor.What might cause sarcopenia?You are not moving enough or are immobileIf you don’t use or challenge your muscles regularly, they will become lazy, leading to faster muscle mass and strength loss and increased weakness.(7)For instance, if you need bed rest after being ill or an injury, you may experience rapid muscle loss. Also, 3-4 weeks of little to no walking and physical activity can already lead to a loss of muscle mass. It’s a vicious cycle: The more your strength decreases, the more fatigued you will become, making it more challenging to return to your regular fitness routine. What happens when you stop exercising?The so-called detraining effect can result in the partial or complete reversal of all benefits you received from your regular workouts. adidas Runtastic expert Hana Medvesek explains what happens when you stop exercising.2. Your hormones are changingMen, in particular, experience a decrease in testosterone as they age.(8) But women also experience a change in hormones. Hormone changes are often accompanied by muscle loss. According to experts, the loss in muscle mass may be associated with increased body fat which comes with weakness and, therefore, sarcopenia.3. Your appetite is changing due to ageAs we age, our appetites change. We often begin to eat less. This results in loss of body fat and muscle mass as the body may not be getting proper nutrition. Therefore, make sure to eat enough throughout the day to maintain muscles.Interesting fact:The associated weight loss appears to be more detrimental to muscle mass in older people than in younger people.You are not sure how many calories you need daily? Use the total daily energy expenditure calculator:4. You are not eating a healthy and balanced diet Malnutrition is a major risk factor for the development of sarcopenia. So if you want to prevent the development of sarcopenia, it’s important to maintain healthy, balanced nutrition.(9, 10) Protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin d, and creatine play a huge role when it comes to age-related muscle loss:Protein:To stimulate muscle growth, it’s essential to focus on physical activity and maintain the proper protein intake.Studies show that if you want to prevent sarcopenia, your protein intake should be 1-1.2g/kg (body weight)/day, or 25-30 g of high-quality protein per meal.(11)Some of the best natural protein sources are:MeatFish and seafoodEggsMilk and milk productsTofu and soy productsLegumesQuinoaNutsOmega-3 fatty acids:Omega-3 fatty acids can stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and, with that, may be helpful for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia.(12) Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids:Cold-water fishShellfishAlgaeTo increase muscle strength when doing resistance training, you can take fish-oil supplements. Studies have shown that the oil enhances the effects of strength training in elderly women.(13)Vitamin D:A good supply of vitamin D may prevent sarcopenia or its progression. Studies show that vitamin D has a benefit on muscle strength and physical performance and can prevent falls and fractures.(14, 15) Unfortunately, it’s not clear yet how much vitamin D someone should take to prevent progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder.Good to know:Before you buy vitamin D supplements, you should go to the doctor to get your vitamin D level checked. Your doctor can then tell you if you need to take supplements and the correct dosage.Creatine:The amino acid creatine occurs primarily in muscle cells and is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Although your body can produce creatine itself, you can support muscle growth by taking creatine supplements or eating creatine-rich foods such as red meat, chicken, and pork. Studies have shown that creatine supplementation during resistance training in older adults can enhance muscle mass gain, strength, and functional performance.(16)5. You have health issuesResearch shows that it is more common to get sarcopenia when suffering from health problems such as chronic heart failure(17), or chronic liver disease(18). People suffering from cancer or going through cancer treatments are also more likely to get sarcopenia(19).What fuels muscle gain and how can you fight sarcopenia?Is it too late to rebuild and retain muscle mass after the age of 30? Definitely not! Experts are confident that combining a healthy diet with exercise can reduce or reverse the effects of sarcopenia.(20)Best sports and exercises to build muscle massProgressive resistance training, aerobic and cardio activities, balance and flexibility workouts: If you combine these types of exercises regularly, they can help reduce falls and co-morbidity.1. Progressive resistance training (PRT)Progressive resistance training (which includes training with exercise machines, free weights, or resistance bands) is a great tool to build muscle, prevent its loss, and increase strength.(21, 22)If you want to start training with exercise bands, here are some blog posts that you might find helpful:Do you have dumbbells or kettlebells at home? Try this resistance training with weights at home: What should you consider when you start working out regularly? Check-in with a fitness instructor to see which exercises are best for you and your condition. Ask for their guidance to make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly.The exercises or activities should challenge but not overwhelm you.As your fitness improves, try challenging yourself with more reps, sets, or increased weight. Be sure to keep improving. Give your body time to get used to the new training routine. Balance exercises To activate and strengthen your core, stabilize your muscles, and decrease the risk of injury, balance and stability exercises are key. 3. Aerobic activities (walking and swimming)If you think you now have to head to the gym and lift weights every day to prevent, treat, or reverse sarcopenia, we have good news for you: walking and swimming are also great activities to build and retain muscle!Get the best tips on walking:Get the best tips on swimming:Cardio trainingCycling, running, hiking, and more: all these exercises can increase muscle mass, too.Physical activity supports your healthDoing sports regularly improves overall health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, several cancers, depression, and falls.(23)Learn more about the exercises and how to start:Are you too old to start running?Now you know how to prevent sarcopenia through diet and exercise.Besides training with weights and resistance bands, walking, biking, cycling, and hiking, running is a great fitness activity to get your body moving and increase body strength.But maybe you ask yourself if you can be too old to start running?The good news is: seniors also can start running! Many things are possible if you really want them.Age is mainly a matter of mind and well-being. Some 30-year-olds feel like they are already too old for everything, whereas some 70-year-olds are beaming with energy as if they were 40 years younger. Whether you are 30 or 70, what really matters is taking the first step towards a healthy and active lifestyle!Healthier through more exercise:One of the few long-term studies on the topic of exercise and aging was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study showed that people who didn’t start exercising regularly until an advanced age still benefited enormously from it. 3,454 test subjects with an average age of 63.7 (± 8.9) years were studied over a period of eight years. Those people who exercised regularly during the eight years were generally in a much better state of health than inactive test participants.Basically, there is no reason that older runners can’t exercise just like their younger counterparts, provided that they keep a few basic principles in mind:5 tips for running as you age1. Give yourself plenty of restAs you age, your metabolism slows down and your body takes longer to renew and regenerate cells. Therefore, it’s very important to give your body sufficient recovery time after every training session. When you start exercising again after a long gap, you need to increase the volume and intensity of your training slowly to give your body time to adapt to the new demands.Important note:Before you start training, check in with a physician. They can help make sure you’re in the clear to do sports again.2. Improve your staminaRegular endurance training not only increases your level of fitness and overall well-being, but it also prevents cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.A great way to start running again is to alternate between walking and running. You should generally avoid exercising to the point of exhaustion, but you can still work in some high-intensity sessions into your training. As we age, our heart rate zones change. It’s probably a good idea to check in with a physician or fitness trainer to help determine your zones as you begin training again.   3. Maintain your strength and flexibilityMuscle mass and flexibility decrease with age. But as said, weight and resistance training can help you build muscle and get stronger even at an advanced age. This is why you should incorporate strength and stability exercises into your training on a regular basis. Complex exercises with your body weight are perfect for this because they require a high degree of coordination and stabilization. You should also work some running ABC drills into your training. These exercises will help lower your risk of injury and improve your running technique and agility.4. Strengthen your bonesPushing and pulling are the two best ways to fight bone and mineral loss. Running regularly and static strength exercises are great for increasing bone mineral density (BMD). This improves the overall stability of your bones and prevents bone mass loss and osteoporosis.5. Watch your dietFood is fuel for your body. Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet. Find our tips on nutrition on how to preserve and gain muscle when aging above!TakeawaysBecause there is no medication to help treat sarcopenia, it’s important to change behavior to retain muscle mass:Focus on physical activity such as progressive resistance training with weights, exercise machines, or weights to build and improve strength. Focus on a healthy diet that also includes the right protein intake based on your weight and amount of exercise.*** More

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    11 Muscle Building Tips for Huge Gains

    These 11 muscle building tips can help beginner athletes get started with their muscle building journey. These muscle growth methods can also enable advanced athletes whose muscle growth has plateaued. Muscle building is a complex physiological process that takes significant time and commitment. At the same time, there is a lot of wrong information about building muscle best. Cut through the noise with these 11 muscle building tips to start building bigger muscles today!SummaryMuscle building tips from workout structure (like sets and reps) to how much protein to include in a muscle building diet. Clever ways to build muscle and reduce total workout time with muscle building tips on supersets and pushing to failure. Learn how to increase lean muscle mass ratio.Muscle Building Tip 1: How much weight is best for building muscle?Numerous studies have shown that a weight you can lift a maximum of 8-12 times produces the most significant gains in muscle size[1, 2]. Depending on the exercise and your fitness level, this is equivalent to 60-80% of your one-rep max (the maximum amount of weight you can lift in a single repetition).Many people mistakenly think that the only way to trigger muscle growth is by lifting heavy weights in a gym.You can build bigger butt muscles, a strong core, a massive chest and even a super strong back with bodyweight exercises (or resistance band exercises) you can do at home or wherever you are!Heavy weights are only necessary if you want to have a bodybuilder’s physique. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean having the type of strength athletes need to compete, which translates to everyday health and fitness.Fact:Muscle growth is mainly due to an increase in the size and not the number of muscle fibers.Muscle Building Tip 2: How many sets per exercise are right for you? Single vs. multiple set trainingA set is the number of times you complete a certain movement (reps) and its recovery period. For example, 3×8 push-ups would be 3 sets of 8 push-ups each. The rest interval is usually 1-3 minutes between sets (more on that below).The optimal number of sets is a hot topic in the strength training world.There are big differences here depending on your fitness level.In the first weeks, novices and beginners show the same gains with single set training as they do with multiple set training.More advanced athletes achieve significantly better results with multiple set training because the training stimulus with single set training is too low to stress the muscles to adapt. Therefore, multiple set training is recommended in this case.Beginners should stick to two or three sets, whereas more advanced strength trainers can do 3-5 or more sets.Good to knowPerform as many reps and sets as you can before your form or technique fails. Continuing to push even though your form has collapsed can lead to injury. Always be in control of your movements and respect the limits of your body and fitness level. One of the biggest challenges is knowing when enough is enough, and this comes with many years (decades) of practice. Skip straight to Muscle Building Tip 7 to learn more about pushing to failure.Muscle Building Tip 3: Reps Per SetHow many repetitions (reps) per set depends on the specific exercise and fitness goals. For example, it would be reasonable to do 30-60 jumping jacks; however, that would be far too many push-ups for most people.Stick to a rep range of 6-12 repetitions of the same exercise if the focus is on building muscle. Once that many reps of an exercise is possible with good form, go all the way to 20 reps for exercises like push-ups, rows, squats, etc. Once 20 reps with good technique are doable, add another set and drop the reps back down to 6-8 reps per set. Add more reps again once you can complete all sets with good form.Muscle Building Tip 4: Rest Between SetsRest between 90 seconds and 3 minutes between individual sets.Add an aerobic component to the workout or if short on time by doing circuit training or supersets[3]. Circuit training means skipping the recovery intervals and going straight into the next exercise. This method of training works the cardiovascular system more than strength training alone.On the other hand, basic supersets involve doing exercises that oppose the same muscle or muscle group—for example, doing a set of push-ups and then going straight into a set of supermans. The two exercises oppose the same muscle group (think pushing versus pulling movements). This means skipping the recovery interval while still pushing hard in each exercise. Check out the below videos to see how push-ups and supermans work opposing muscle groups (known as an antagonist superset):  Be careful with supersets because they can leave you with DOMS for days because they work muscles to the limit! Make sure you understand the benefits of super-compensation and the difference between overtraining.Important:Make sure you perform all the exercises at a steady pace and with proper form.Muscle Building Tip 5: How many times a week for you do strength training?Soreness related to strength training is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). It is vital to return or begin strength training very conservatively. Aim for the minimum amount of reps and sets if one hasn’t strength trained in a while (or ever). DOMS may occur one to two days after the initial strength training session. Even if soreness persists, another strength training session two to three days later can help alleviate DOMS and is a good idea for experienced athletes. Athletes who have never strength trained before should do one day of strength training their first week, then try adding a day the next week and see how their body reacts.RememberBuilding muscle is a long-term process. Rushing muscle building will lead to injury eventually, which will cause serious setbacks. Trust in the process, go slow and be patient. Always leave one or two reps “on the table.” When in doubt, leave it out.For beginners, two strength sessions a week is enough. An all-around program that works all the major muscle groups is best. These are often called “fully-body workouts.” Some examples of full-body workouts in adidas Training are: Full Body with Weights (use dumbbells or water bottles as weights), 8-Minute Fully Body Workout, 10-Minute Tabata HIIT, and so many more! More advanced strength trainers can work out three to four times per week.Split training is a good way to make sure there is enough time for muscle recovery. Each major muscle group will work twice a week if you do a two-body-part split four days a week. The most common types of split training are dividing your workout into upper and lower body or push and pull exercises.Advanced athletes can consider building their workouts with the adidas Training Workout Creator. This feature enables athletes to choose specific muscle groups, difficulty, workout duration and equipment. A common way to use this feature to split workouts would be to target legs and lower body one day of the week, then target arms and upper body the next day, then go back to lower body. This type of training is only for advanced athletes because it adds significant training stress, which is needed to promote further muscle growth due to the principle of progressive overload[4].Muscle Building Tip 6: How many weeks to see visible results?When starting strength training, strength increases, but your muscles won’t look any bigger.This is because the strength gains at the beginning are due to improved intra- and intermuscular coordination (improved activation and interaction between muscles). Training blocks should last between eight and twelve weeks, including a recovery week every third or fourth week depending on experience level and injury propensity.Muscle growth requires continuous additional training stimulus. Muscle Building Tip 7: Push Muscles to Failure Pushing to failure sounds dangerous (and it can be). Pushing muscles to failure is also a great way to induce muscle growth. Pushing to failure means one could not complete another rep with good technique. If one completes that final rep with poor technique, they have pushed past failure, which can quickly lead to injury at worst and is counterproductive at best.An excellent way to push to failure for bodyweight exercises is simply doing as many reps of an exercise until technique suffers. For example, do as many push-ups as possible and stop when hips and/or shoulders sag towards the ground. Rest for a minute, then do another set and note down how many reps are possible. Try to do more reps and/or sets in the next workout to build muscle. The key to this tip is to push just until it is almost too much and then stop. It’s never productive to get injured, so be very careful. Beginner athletes should focus on developing perfect technique before attempting this training tip.For example, here are 9 of the most common mistakes for the most common exercises to watch out for when pushing muscles to failure.Muscle Building Tip 8: Cut Cardio (If Muscle Building is the Only Goal)Cardio or aerobic exercise can impact the body’s ability to build muscle. If big muscles are a primary goal, cutting cardio is required. However, beginner athletes will likely realize significant gains fast if they do strength training and cardio workouts. Being able to climb stairs without getting winded is good for overall health! Plus, muscle growth will happen in a functionally natural way. For example, including running workouts will develop important leg muscles and work the cardiovascular system.The bottom lineUnless bodybuilding is a goal or muscle growth has plateaued, include cardio workouts in training.Muscle Building Tip 9: Muscle Building NutritionBuilding muscle requires fueling muscle growth. Cutting calories to lose weight is counterintuitive to building muscle. Additionally, calorie needs will increase as muscle mass increases.Protein Intake for Muscle BuildingProtein is essential for muscle building. Adequate protein intake doesn’t mean cutting out the other macronutrients of carbs and fat. It also doesn’t mean consuming more than 25g of protein an hour (the maximal protein absorption rate for humans). Supplements that have hundreds of grams of protein are a waste of money. Use this protein calculator to quickly and easily figure out how much protein is needed to build muscle. Carb Intake for Muscle BuildingMany people falsely believe that cutting carbs is an excellent way to promote muscle growth. The body prioritizes carbs as its primary fuel source during very intense exercise (like strength training or sprinting through the physiological process known as glycolysis). If the body doesn’t have enough carbs to fuel the exercise, it breaks down protein in muscles and converts protein into glucose to cover the energy expenditure of the training. This has the negative effect of breaking down the very muscles being built!Eat enough carbs to cover the energy cost of the exercise. Find that out using this carb intake calculator.The bottom lineInstead, eat a balanced diet of protein, carbs and fat. Get protein from the diet, not supplements.Muscle Building Tip 10: Lose Weight and Build Lean Muscle MassIt is possible to use strength training to increase the ratio of lean muscle mass while losing weight [5]. Muscle mass may not increase (and may even decrease) during weight loss. However, increasing protein intake and maintaining strength training while cutting carbs and fat can help one maintain or increase their ratio of lean muscle mass. Think of it like this: if total bodyweight drops but muscle mass stays the same, the ratio of muscle to body weight has increased despite muscles not growing. In other words, lean muscle mass has increased.Muscle Building Tip 11: The Role of RestMuscle doesn’t get built during workouts: they break down. Muscle grows during rest because rest allows the body to repair broken muscle tissue stronger than before. Get eight to nine hours of sleep every night, especially during heavy training. Napping is also critical for serious muscle growth.ConclusionThe most important thing for effectively building muscle (as well as for every training goal in general) is that you continue to work out regularly.If you stay consistent, all the hard work will pay off and you are guaranteed to see visible results.Are you ready to get in shape and build strength? Get the adidas Training app and join a challenge!*** More

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    Low-Impact Workout for People with Bad Knees

    Are you at the beginning of your fitness journey and want to lose weight first to reduce the impact on your knees? Or you have painful knees and high-impact exercise just isn’t in your future…at all?No worries, there are plenty of low-impact exercises you can do that will get your heart rate up, strengthen your muscles and give you a great workout. Working out with bad kneesHigh-impact workouts like plyometrics and running are not for everybody. People with bad knees can find these workouts really challenging and even painful. Recovery techniques like yoga and foam rolling are essential to keep the knee joints feeling good.Bad knees don’t need to stop you from getting active. There are a lot of low-impact workout recommendations for people with bad knees.In fact, the best way to support your joints throughout your life is by building the muscles around them so they can bear more of the load. You don’t need a gym or fancy equipment to maintain leg strength. Always incorporate leg exercises in your routine to protect your joints.  Since a strong core provides the foundation for your fitness journey, we’ve put together 5 low-impact core exercises for bad knees that you can do anytime, anywhere. These exercises require only your own body weight! Outside, at home, in your hotel room…these exercises are perfect for all occasions!5 Core Exercises for Bad KneesHow to:Perform all of these exercises for 1 minute each. At the end of all 5 exercises, rest for 60-90 secondsRepeat for 3-5 roundsAre you ready?1. High Knee Pull DownExercise tip:Try to bring that knee up above the belly button to effectively engage your core. And, really activate that mind-muscle connection and pretend like you are actually pulling something down.Benefits:This exercise strengthens your core muscles. A strong core can improve flexibility and balance while also reducing back pain. Looking for more core exercises? Check out our core workouts in the adidas Training app. 2. Standing Knee-to-ElbowExercise tip:Keep all the weight in your base leg. The lifted leg should only tap on the ground. Really squeeze your obliques (your side abs) as you bring your knee to your elbow to get the most out of this exercise.Benefits:Another great core exercise for bad knees, the Standing Knee to Elbow also works the muscles of your upper legs and hip flexors. If you struggle with lower back pain or having trouble walking or bending at the hip, you might have tight hip flexors. Incorporating hip mobility stretches into your workout can help loosen up your hips.3. Knee Tuck CrunchesExercise tip:Keep your chin off of your chest, shoulders down and away from the ears and keep your back straight.Benefits: People often neglect their lower abs in the quest for a six-pack. Knee-Tuck Crunches work both upper and lower abs in this dynamic exercise, while also getting your heart rate up. Want to see this exercise in action? Find it in the adidas Training app or on adidas Training’s YouTube channel.4. PunchesExercise tip:Keep your knees slightly bent and your core engaged. Focus on something in front of you and concentrate on hitting that point! You can even write down something that’s bothering you on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall. A great way to release some negative energy.Benefits: The Punches exercise improves coordination while adding an aerobic element to the workout. Stabilize your core and improve balance with this upper body exercise.Want to see this exercise in action? Check it out in the adidas Training app or on adidas Training’s YouTube channel.5. Squatting Side StepExercise tip:Stay low in the squat with your chest up and core engaged and just step side to side (as wide as feels comfortable for you). You can also add a resistance band around the ankles for an added challenge.Benefits:With all this core work, don’t forget about building leg muscles. The Squatting Side Step works your quads and glutes along with your core muscles. It’s another effective exercise for better balance and agility.Do you have bad knees and have a favorite low-impact exercise? Share it with us in the comments section below! Happy sweating!*** More

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    Leg Day Workout: 20 Squat Variations You Have to Try

    If you want lean, strong legs, and a firm butt, then squats are for you!What is a squat?A squat is a strength training exercise for your lower body. The bodyweight exercise targets quads, glutes, hamstrings, and even your core gets involved when you squat.Because all these muscle groups come along to the squat party, you burn many more calories than if you were to do isolated exercises targeting each of those muscles. Squatting is much more functional than isolated exercises (i.e. quad extensions or hamstring curls). Whether you’re a runner, biker, or just want a great behind, the simultaneous strengthening of different muscle groups helps to prevent injury and improve performance. Talk about more bang for your buck for your leg day workout!Now, before we get started with these 20 squat variations, watch this video to ensure you are performing the basic bodyweight squat properly and safely: If a leg day workout is your favorite training session of the week, then you’re going to love these squat variations!Good to know:These are all bodyweight squat variations, but feel free to add weights to some of these exercises for an extra challenge.Top 20 Bodyweight Squat Variations These are all bodyweight squat variations, but feel free to add weights to some of these if you want to.1. Squat and WalkBegin with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Squat down nice and low into a squat position. Keep your chest up and core engaged. Walk four steps forward and four steps back for one repetition. Try to make these big steps while maintaining a low squat position.2. PliÉ Squat + Heel RaisesBegin with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing outward. Squat down nice and low. Lift your right heel up and down, and then your left heel. Now, push through the heels to come back up to start. Tighten your glutes again at the top and repeat.3. Squat KickbackBegin with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Perform a squat and as you come up, kick your right leg back like you’re trying to push close a door behind you. As always, be sure to keep your core engaged for balance and control. Bring the right leg down as you lower back down into a squat position. Repeat using the left leg.4. Frog SquatBegin with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing outward. Squat down nice and low until your fingertips touch the ground while maintaining a flat black. Then reach your arms up overhead and jump up towards the sky. Land with soft knees in a loaded squat position, fingers touching the ground.Note:If your fingertips cannot reach down to the floor without an excessive forward lean, don’t go all the way to the floor. Work within your limits and just reach down as far as you can!5. 3-Way Jump SquatBegin with your feet close together, toes pointing forward, knees not touching. Squat down into a narrow squat position, with your legs closer together than with a standard squat. Then jump up into the air and land with soft knees in a regular squat position. Again, jump up into the air and land with soft knees in a plié squat (feet shoulder-width apart, toes facing outward). Then jump-squat your way back to the regular squat and position yourself into a narrow squat to repeat.6. Burpee Squat HoldStart in a standing position. Place your hands on the ground and jump your feet back into a high plank position on your hands. Make sure not to arch your back when you jump back into a plank. Then, jump your feet forward outside your hands with your toes pointing outward. Stay low in the plié squat position and only lift up your upper body. Place your hands back down on the ground in between your feet and repeat!7. Squat with Side Leg LiftBegin with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes parallel or slightly outward. Perform a squat and as you come up, lift your left leg up to the side and make sure to squeeze the outer part of your glutes. As you step back, lower yourself into a squat again. Repeat with the right leg. To make it harder, do a side kick instead of a lift!8. Side Step SquatBegin with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Keep your chest up and your core engaged. Now take a step with the right foot to the side. Make sure to keep your thighs parallel to each other and maintain your squat form. Now step with the left leg towards you so that you’re back in a squat. You can switch sides or do 2-3 steps in one direction and then 2-3 in the other.9. Box SquatThis is a great exercise for learning how to squat properly. If you don’t have a box handy, you can use a chair. Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Push your hips back and lower yourself down until your butt touches the box. Make sure not to sit on the box! Then, push the ground with your heels to lift yourself back up.10. Surrender SquatStart kneeling with both knees on the floor. Cross your hands behind your head. Now step into a kneel with one knee up. Push the heel of the front leg to the ground and bring the other leg up and do a squat. Step down into the first position to repeat.11. Single Leg SquatStart with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward and your arms in front of you. Bend the knee of one leg and lift it off the ground. Push your hips back and bend the knee of the standing leg to slowly lower yourself down. Make sure to keep your hips leveled. Go down as low as you can while keeping your form and do not let your other foot touch the ground. Now push back up from the standing leg. Repeat on the other side.12. Cossack SquatStart with your feet in a wide stance and your toes pointing outwards to the side. Shift your weight to one side and squat down, going as low as you can without lifting the heel of the squatting leg off the ground. Push the heel of the squatting leg to the ground and get back up to the wide starting position. Repeat on the other side.8 More Squat Variations to Maximize Your Leg Day Workout From Chair Squat to Pop Squat: If you need something even more challenging to feel the burn, try these 8 squat exercises for all levelsHow to Incorporate Squat Variations in Your TrainingNow, let’s talk about how to incorporate these exercises into your next leg day workout:You can choose one or two squat exercises and add them to your current routine.Or, you can choose 10-12 of the above-mentioned squat exercises for a full circuit-style leg day workout.Perform 10-20 repetitions (depending on your fitness level) of each squat variation with little rest in betweenRest at the end of the final exercise for 2-3 minutes and repeat for 3 rounds.Squatting is a great way to build lower body strength. If you are looking to work your whole body, download the adidas Training app. Explore our exercises and training plans, or build your own workout with the Workout Creator!*** More

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    Meet Your Goal with The Best Strength Training for Women

    With so many bodyweight workouts available for women out there, it’s hard to choose. On top of that, every woman is different. So there is no “one workout fits all” solution. Finding a fun way to work on your personal goal is how your fitness story comes to life. Looking for a bodyweight workout to start right away? Stop the scrolling madness and try out these recommendations. Depending on your goal, fitness level, and experience, you can: Start with one of the video bodyweight workouts (that our female users love!) Or…Get a free personalized strength training for women with the Workout Creator. Start with a workout video: 4 unique bodyweight workouts What makes these bodyweight workouts special?  8-20 min long, easy to follow along  Female users around the world love them  Each one has a different focus Depending on your time and goal, pick the one that works best for you. Bodyweight workout #1: Toned Legs and Glutes Duration: 15 minutes Focus: Legs and glutes This workout is perfect to start strengthening your lower body. And if you sit a lot, your glutes need your attention, for sure. For an extra challenge, you can always do the workout twice! If you are looking to add variety to your lower body workouts, check out these 15 bodyweight exercises for legs and glutes. [embedded content]Bodyweight Workout #2: Short Full Body Workout Duration: 8 minutes Focus: Full body exercise combos This workout is just 8 minutes long, but it will work your whole body. If the classic reps and sets workout style is not your thing, you might enjoy exercise combos like this instead. Also, it’s great strength training for women on the go – do what you have time for; if you are not in a hurry, repeat it 2-3 times! Get the free 8-minute full body workout in the adidas Training app. Track your workouts to stay motivated! Bodyweight workout #3: HIIT Dance Workout Duration: 11 minutes Focus: Energize and de-stress Whether it’s the first thing you do to start the day or a home office break to re-energize in the afternoon, a dance-inspired workout will always put a smile on your face. By the way… Did you know that HIIT workouts are a great way to improve fitness in short training sessions? Or that a specific phase of your menstrual cycle might make you feel more ready for high intensity workouts? Get the free Energy HIIT workout in the adidas Training app. Track your workouts to stay motivated!  Check out more bodyweight exercises to make your own home HIIT workout. Bodyweight workout #4: Gentle Yoga Flow Duration: 20 minutes Focus: Stretch and unwind Enjoy a gentle yoga session for any fitness level. If you keep track of your menstrual cycle you will notice there are days when pushing it is just not your thing – especially if you have cramps. That’s when this workout might be exactly what you need. It’s perfect to unwind and spend some time getting centered. [embedded content]Get the free Yoga Flow workout in the adidas Training app. Track the workouts to stay motivated! Get a personalized bodyweight workout: Workout Creator Beginners, both women and men, often wish they could just improve a certain body part.But most often than not, focusing on a certain area of your body does not bring satisfying results. Training all muscle groups throughout the week will make you feel and look better. It will strengthen the targeted areas more effectively. Once you cover the basics, you can always add a little extra focus here and there.The Workout Creator tool from the adidas Training app is your shortcut to a personalized bodyweight workout.With the Workout Creator you can…  Choose workout duration  Pick which muscle groups to target  Edit the workout to suit your preference So easy to start, right?You can find out here how to set up the Workout Creator in the adidas Training app (for free!). Takeaway There is more than one bodyweight workout that will help you reach your personal goal. It may seem confusing, especially if you are just starting out. But the good thing is that there’s no wrong way to start! Just make sure to pay attention to your form. You will find tons of different bodyweight workouts focused on strength training for women in the adidas Training app and on our YouTube channel. Looking for something personalized? Make a custom bodyweight workout in just a few seconds using the Workout Creator tool.  More

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    7 Quick and Effective Shoulder Strengthening Exercises for Strong Shoulders

    by Viktoria Wolffhardt, Slalom Canoeist Shoulder strengthening exercises are key to healthy, strong shoulders. Shoulders are very complex joints that we use daily from washing our hair to opening doors. Shoulder strengthening exercises don’t take much time, are easy to do, and will keep your shoulders healthy throughout your life. Recovering from injuries, warming up before working out, or just in between: you don’t need much time, equipment, or expensive machinery to strengthen your shoulders.Why Shoulder Strengthening Exercises are ImportantThe shoulder provides 360-degrees range of motion. Muscles and ligaments stabilize it. The small contact area of the joint is what allows for such extreme mobility. The rotator cuff tendons stabilize the shoulder joint to keep the joint at the best position for the movement required. The extreme mobility of the shoulder joint also means it is very prone to injury.The rotator cuff loses its elasticity and strength as it ages. A significant number of people will have labral (part of the rotator cuff) damage by the time they are merely 40. Sports that require overhead motions are especially risky to the shoulder. Sports like swimming, basketball, and contact sports pose special risks shoulder joints. Poor posture also contributes to damaged shoulders. If you value doing everyday activities, you really need to do shoulder strengthening exercises!Slalom canoeist Viktoria Wolffhardt explains five seven shoulder strengthening exercises you can do anywhere at any time.7 Shoulder Strengthening Exercises1. Shoulder stability exerciseYou might know this exercise from the adidas Training app, it’s called an Up Down. Start in the low plank position and push off from the floor into the high plank. Make sure that you engage your core and keep your hips as stable as possible. Then return to the low plank position and repeat. Alternate between starting with your left and right arm. Repeat this exercise ten to twelve times per side and do a total of three sets.Need a good warm-up before your next race? Learn how to properly warm up for your race!2. Strengthen your rotator cuffStretch a resistance band between your forearms. Move your left and right shoulder in circles in both directions along the wall. You can do this exercise at different heights to stimulate your muscles more. Repeat the exercise ten to twelve times on each side and do a total of three sets. 3. Arm circles with weightsStand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a light weight (e.g. 1 l water bottle) in your left and right hand. Let your arms hang loosely at your sides and lift the bottles upward making small circles until they are in a horizontal position. Briefly hold this position and then slowly lower your arms again.Repeat this exercise ten to twelve times per side, alternate between forward and backward circles. Do a total of three sets per side.Be careful:“Make sure you don’t arch your lower back. Pull your chin back a bit, so that your back stays straight through the exercises.”4. Water bottle stabilizerFill ¾ of a 1.5 l water bottle with water. Pick up the bottle with your right hand and stretch your arm straight out in front of you. Make sure your hand is at the height of your shoulder and your arm is straight. Now try to hold the bottle steady. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch sides and repeat the exercise. Do three sets per side. What the exercise does:“This develops the small muscle groups in the shoulders to relieve strain on the tendons and joints. It is especially good to do when recovering from shoulder injuries.”5. Internal and external rotation with resistance bandAttach a resistance band to a door handle (or another anchor point) and stand with your side next to it. Take the resistance band in your hand and pull it until it’s tight. Check that your arm is at a 90-degree angle and keep your elbow near to your body. If this is impossible, reduce the tension on the band by standing closer to the door handle. Holding the arm’s position, externally rotate your shoulder so that your hand moves in the direction of the door handle. Then internally rotate the shoulder by pulling the fitness band back towards your body against the band’s resistance.Repeat this exercise ten to twelve times per side and do three sets. Tip:“Your pelvis should be stable and facing forward – there should be no rotation of the upper body or hips.”6. Side Neck StretchDon’t stretch to the point of pain. Go slow, breathe, and relax into the stretch.[embedded content]7. Child’s PoseRelax and breathe into the stretch. Drop your shoulders away from your ears. Press down into the ground to really stretch the joint. Be careful if your shoulders are already unstable as this can place the joint in a compromised orientation that could lead to shoulder dislocation. [embedded content]Have fun working out! About Viktoria Wolffhardt:Viktoria Wolffhardt has been a slalom canoeist for 15 years. The runner-up world champion and two-time winner of the U-23 championship is always looking for new challenges. Her motto is: “Be fast, be good, have fun, and always be yourself!”*** More