Vegan Macaroni and Cheese
Here’s the only recipe you’ll need to make vegan macaroni and cheese at home. Follow these expert tips from The Wicked Healthy Cookbook, and you can’t go wrong.So you want to make some macaroni and cheese, but you want to make it vegan? Here are all the instructions and ingredients you’ll need to do it.Make it: “Cheesy” You can make a satisfying, unctuous sauce that’s a decent replacement for cheddar using an old hippie method, pairing fat from nuts; smoothness (and color) from squash; and umami from miso, yeast, and paprika. Goes great on nachos, too.Recipe from THE WICKED HEALTHY COOKBOOKIngredients2 cups butternut squash cubes, fresh or frozen1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight and drained8 to 10 garlic cloves2 tbsp rice vinegar2 cups unsweetened soy milk3 tbsp nutritional yeast2 tbsp white miso paste2 tbsp sea salt1 tbsp freshly ground black pepper1 tsp smoked paprika1/2 tsp ground white pepper1/8 tsp cayenne pepper1 lb macaroni, cookedPreparationIn a medium pot over high heat, bring squash, cashews, garlic, vinegar, and 4 to 5 cups water to a boil; reduce to a simmer and cook until cashews and garlic are fork-tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Drain squash mixture and transfer to a blender or food processor; blend slowly, then speed up and gradually add soy milk, then the yeast, miso, and seasonings until smooth, 3 to 5 minutes. Toss with macaroni.:not(.m-detail-header–title),
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