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    Osteoporosis: How to Prevent Bone Loss through Sports

    by Jasmin Arnetzeder, Sports Scientist Osteoporosis is a condition in which your bones become porous and more fragile over time, increasing the risk of fractures and breaks. Read about how strength training and the right nutrition can help prevent this and improve your bone health. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which […] More

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    Love Running? ᐅ Your Heart Does Too!

    Regular running training strengthens all our muscles, but especially our hearts: Did you know that even beginners can lower their resting heart rate by approximately 10 beats per minute after just a few weeks of training? Here are the facts from our expert, Sascha Wingenfeld, on why you should get your heart rate up several […] More

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    Here's Why You Should Do HIIT Before You Lift

    What should you do first: lifting or cardio? Many trainers recommend kicking things off in the weight room, since muscles are fresher and able to lift more, helping you progress. But a study in the Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness gives cardio top billing. Fourteen men in their 20s and 30s did two workouts. […] More

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    Best Bodyweight Exercises for Targeting Specific Muscle Groups

    Want to know which bodyweight exercises are most effective for targeting specific body parts? This list of the best bodyweight exercises includes: All major muscle groups: abs, legs, glutes, chest, shoulders/arms, back Recommendations for all fitness levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced Exercise videos with detailed instructions List of the best bodyweight exercises for each body part […] More

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    3 Easy Steps to Develop a Love of Running

    10 minutes into your run and you already look at your watch. The next 5 minutes seem to crawl by. All you wanted was to give running another try. “How long do I still have to go? And how does everyone do this if it’s so boring?” Many running newbies find themselves in a similar […] More

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    How to Start Working Out

    When was the last time you did squats? High school PE class? Or maybe you tried running a few months ago but lost your motivation? No matter how far you are now from your desired fitness level… Remember this: It just takes one second to decide you’re worth it, 10 minutes for your first workout, […] More