
3 Warning Signs Your Health Is at Risk

The commonly held wisdom—listen to what your body is telling you—isn’t just some old adage that doesn’t hold any weight. In some cases, reading your body’s warning signs can actually save your life and promote good overall health.

Pay attention to these key elements of your health and fitness. By tweaking your behaviors, you could strengthen your heart, detect early signs of cancer, and stay fit for life.

1. You’re Drastically Losing Your Hair

Dramatic hair loss at an early age can be a sign of prostate cancer, according to the University of Toronto. A study of more than 400 men found those who scored high on a “hair-loss scale” were up to four times more likely to have a malignant tumor when they came in for a prostate biopsy.

2. You’re Ravenous After Boozing

Alcohol tricks your brain into thinking you’re starving, per research from the University College London. Researchers monitored the brain activity of drunk mice (some rodents have all the luck) and found that hooch excited neurons called AGRP, which sound off when your body goes into starvation, leading the mice to gorge. So if you don’t want a gut—and the metabolic disorders that go along with it, lay off the alcohol.

3. You’re Experiencing Chest Pains

Patients admitted to the hospital with chest pains and high TMAO—a molecule made by gut bacteria—are much more likely to die, have a stroke or heart attack, or need bypass surgery within six months, a European Heart Journal study found. Pound down those pre- and probiotics! What you feed your gut can protect your ticker. See 9 other ways your gut can protect your heart, the best prebiotic foods you can eat, and the top probiotic foods.

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Source: Food -


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