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    7 Common Sports Injuries: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

    Low side plank twists are a rotator cuff workout that strengthen shoulder stabilizer muscles. 5. Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s ElbowCause: Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow do not just affect tennis players and golfers. Any athlete or professional who uses their forearm muscles repeatedly and regularly can suffer. Both are a result of tiny tears in the muscle caused by inflammation of the tissues around the elbow. Tennis elbow pain is felt on the outside of the elbow. Golfer’s elbow creates pain on the inside of the elbow.Prevention: Surprisingly, lack of mobility in the wrist and shoulder are often culprits of elbow pain. Include wrist and shoulder warm-ups, activation, and mobilization exercises in your normal workouts. Consider doing them before any activity that requires repetitive arm movements, like gardening or typing on a laptop.Treatment: An injured elbow can get better with time and rest. Cold compresses during moments of pain help reduce inflammation as does a diet of anti-inflammatory foods. A physical therapist may also provide wrist, elbow, and shoulder exercises. In very bad cases, surgery may be required to remove damaged tissues.(6)  Caption: Stretching the shoulders and wrists before a workout can help with elbow pain. 6. Groin Strain and Sports HerniaCause: Sports hernias are clinically named athletic pubalgia. These and general groin strains are most common to athletes who change direction quickly, tennis players. Sports that require frequent twisting and bending (like rowing) can also cause groin strains. These injuries are more typically related to overuse. But, any biomechanical pattern could cause these injuries. For instance, many people have one leg that’s longer than the other. These kinds of muscle imbalances can cause problems throughout the kinetic chain that put pressure on the groin during movement. Long-distance runners, women with relative osteoporosis, and anyone with nutritional and hormonal imbalances are also susceptible to groin injuries.Prevention: The best way to prevent any injury around the pelvis is with hip stretching and stability exercises. Lower and deep core work are very beneficial. Getting to know your own muscle imbalances is important. Then, you can train in such a way as to strengthen opposing muscles and correct postural imbalances. Because having strong bones is a big precursor to a healthy pelvis, proper sports nutrition is key (i.e., enough calories, enough macronutrients, and enough micronutrients). Finally, changes in the training surface or shoes can cause groin strain. Start with shorter workouts when venturing out onto new terrain or wearing new shoes.Treatment: Generally speaking, it’s best to avoid intense physical movements until the pain subsides. Because issues in the groin and pelvis are so difficult to diagnose, most cases require sports physiotherapy.  The sports physician will determine the rehabilitation plan based on the location of the tear. Some types of injury require rest, while others require more aggressive movement therapy. In the worst case scenario, surgery may be required.(7, 8, 9)  Single leg bridges are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and low back.7. Hamstring injuryCause: Hamstring tears and pulled hamstrings most often occur when one pushes off the ground to walk, run, or climb. For folks with very weak or tight hamstrings, this injury can even occur when standing up from a seated position. Any one of the three hamstrings muscles may be affected. Older adults are more likely to suffer from hamstring injury than young people.Prevention: The best way to prevent hamstring issues is by training them with strength and flexibility workouts. Simply exercises like deadlifts and seated forward folds go a long way.Treatment: Hamstring pain is difficult to treat because it affects so many basic actions, like moving from seated to standing. It can heal on its own with rest. But in case of intense pain, walking with a cane or crutches helps. Icing the area and wrapping it can keep inflammation down. Consider working with a physiotherapist if the pain does not subside on its own in three weeks. With physical therapy, the recovery time typically takes six to eight weeks.(10) Moving in and out of this stretch is a dynamic warm-up for hamstring mobility.Nutritional Advice for Sports InjuriesWhen recovering from a sports injury, one of the best things you can do is eat well. Here is a list of micro- and macronutrients that can aid in recovery. We recommend eating whole, fresh foods containing these nutrients.1. Protein-rich foodsProtein, especially that derived from mammals and fish, enhances the body’s muscle-building processes (vegan protein sources should be supplemented with amino acids like Lutein).(11)2. Vitamin CCollagen rebuilds tissues and is anti-inflammatory. Citrus fruit and leafy green vegetables are rich in Vitamin C, which helps the body to produce collagen. 3. Omega-3 Fatty AcidsOmega-3s are anti-inflammatory and building blocks for the body’s cellular recovery processes. Salmon, sardines, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans are all-natural sources of Omega-3 fats.4. Calcium and Vitamin DFractures, dislocations, and sports hernias are all related to weak or impacted bones. Calcium builds bones. Milk, cheese, yogurt, some fish, almonds, and kale are all great sources of calcium. But without Vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium. So eat some egg yolks or go for a jog in the sun! Both fill you up with Vitamin D.Prevention is The Best MedicineUnfortunately, most athletes will at some point find themselves injured. It’s part of being alive, of having a complex body and love of movement! But the best way to prevent an injury is to be thoughtful about movement, health, and body awareness. Cross-training, taking time to recover, eating well, and listening to your body are, ultimately, the best medicine for sports injuries.*** More

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    Sarcopenia: How to Prevent and Treat Age-Related Muscle Loss With Nutrition and Sports

    Disclaimer:The information provided in this blog post is for guidance purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice.Sarcopenia: symptoms to watch forPeople who suffer from sarcopenia experience a loss of muscle mass. This loss of strength also results in increased weakness and less mobility. This, in return, can increase the risk of injury, such as fractures from falls (e.g., broken hips, collarbones, legs, arms, wrists).Please note:If you experience one or more of these symptoms or just have the feeling that you might suffer from sarcopenia, please talk to your doctor.What might cause sarcopenia?You are not moving enough or are immobileIf you don’t use or challenge your muscles regularly, they will become lazy, leading to faster muscle mass and strength loss and increased weakness.(7)For instance, if you need bed rest after being ill or an injury, you may experience rapid muscle loss. Also, 3-4 weeks of little to no walking and physical activity can already lead to a loss of muscle mass. It’s a vicious cycle: The more your strength decreases, the more fatigued you will become, making it more challenging to return to your regular fitness routine. What happens when you stop exercising?The so-called detraining effect can result in the partial or complete reversal of all benefits you received from your regular workouts. adidas Runtastic expert Hana Medvesek explains what happens when you stop exercising.2. Your hormones are changingMen, in particular, experience a decrease in testosterone as they age.(8) But women also experience a change in hormones. Hormone changes are often accompanied by muscle loss. According to experts, the loss in muscle mass may be associated with increased body fat which comes with weakness and, therefore, sarcopenia.3. Your appetite is changing due to ageAs we age, our appetites change. We often begin to eat less. This results in loss of body fat and muscle mass as the body may not be getting proper nutrition. Therefore, make sure to eat enough throughout the day to maintain muscles.Interesting fact:The associated weight loss appears to be more detrimental to muscle mass in older people than in younger people.You are not sure how many calories you need daily? Use the total daily energy expenditure calculator:4. You are not eating a healthy and balanced diet Malnutrition is a major risk factor for the development of sarcopenia. So if you want to prevent the development of sarcopenia, it’s important to maintain healthy, balanced nutrition.(9, 10) Protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin d, and creatine play a huge role when it comes to age-related muscle loss:Protein:To stimulate muscle growth, it’s essential to focus on physical activity and maintain the proper protein intake.Studies show that if you want to prevent sarcopenia, your protein intake should be 1-1.2g/kg (body weight)/day, or 25-30 g of high-quality protein per meal.(11)Some of the best natural protein sources are:MeatFish and seafoodEggsMilk and milk productsTofu and soy productsLegumesQuinoaNutsOmega-3 fatty acids:Omega-3 fatty acids can stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults and, with that, may be helpful for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia.(12) Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids:Cold-water fishShellfishAlgaeTo increase muscle strength when doing resistance training, you can take fish-oil supplements. Studies have shown that the oil enhances the effects of strength training in elderly women.(13)Vitamin D:A good supply of vitamin D may prevent sarcopenia or its progression. Studies show that vitamin D has a benefit on muscle strength and physical performance and can prevent falls and fractures.(14, 15) Unfortunately, it’s not clear yet how much vitamin D someone should take to prevent progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder.Good to know:Before you buy vitamin D supplements, you should go to the doctor to get your vitamin D level checked. Your doctor can then tell you if you need to take supplements and the correct dosage.Creatine:The amino acid creatine occurs primarily in muscle cells and is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Although your body can produce creatine itself, you can support muscle growth by taking creatine supplements or eating creatine-rich foods such as red meat, chicken, and pork. Studies have shown that creatine supplementation during resistance training in older adults can enhance muscle mass gain, strength, and functional performance.(16)5. You have health issuesResearch shows that it is more common to get sarcopenia when suffering from health problems such as chronic heart failure(17), or chronic liver disease(18). People suffering from cancer or going through cancer treatments are also more likely to get sarcopenia(19).What fuels muscle gain and how can you fight sarcopenia?Is it too late to rebuild and retain muscle mass after the age of 30? Definitely not! Experts are confident that combining a healthy diet with exercise can reduce or reverse the effects of sarcopenia.(20)Best sports and exercises to build muscle massProgressive resistance training, aerobic and cardio activities, balance and flexibility workouts: If you combine these types of exercises regularly, they can help reduce falls and co-morbidity.1. Progressive resistance training (PRT)Progressive resistance training (which includes training with exercise machines, free weights, or resistance bands) is a great tool to build muscle, prevent its loss, and increase strength.(21, 22)If you want to start training with exercise bands, here are some blog posts that you might find helpful:Do you have dumbbells or kettlebells at home? Try this resistance training with weights at home: What should you consider when you start working out regularly? Check-in with a fitness instructor to see which exercises are best for you and your condition. Ask for their guidance to make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly.The exercises or activities should challenge but not overwhelm you.As your fitness improves, try challenging yourself with more reps, sets, or increased weight. Be sure to keep improving. Give your body time to get used to the new training routine. Balance exercises To activate and strengthen your core, stabilize your muscles, and decrease the risk of injury, balance and stability exercises are key. 3. Aerobic activities (walking and swimming)If you think you now have to head to the gym and lift weights every day to prevent, treat, or reverse sarcopenia, we have good news for you: walking and swimming are also great activities to build and retain muscle!Get the best tips on walking:Get the best tips on swimming:Cardio trainingCycling, running, hiking, and more: all these exercises can increase muscle mass, too.Physical activity supports your healthDoing sports regularly improves overall health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, several cancers, depression, and falls.(23)Learn more about the exercises and how to start:Are you too old to start running?Now you know how to prevent sarcopenia through diet and exercise.Besides training with weights and resistance bands, walking, biking, cycling, and hiking, running is a great fitness activity to get your body moving and increase body strength.But maybe you ask yourself if you can be too old to start running?The good news is: seniors also can start running! Many things are possible if you really want them.Age is mainly a matter of mind and well-being. Some 30-year-olds feel like they are already too old for everything, whereas some 70-year-olds are beaming with energy as if they were 40 years younger. Whether you are 30 or 70, what really matters is taking the first step towards a healthy and active lifestyle!Healthier through more exercise:One of the few long-term studies on the topic of exercise and aging was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The study showed that people who didn’t start exercising regularly until an advanced age still benefited enormously from it. 3,454 test subjects with an average age of 63.7 (± 8.9) years were studied over a period of eight years. Those people who exercised regularly during the eight years were generally in a much better state of health than inactive test participants.Basically, there is no reason that older runners can’t exercise just like their younger counterparts, provided that they keep a few basic principles in mind:5 tips for running as you age1. Give yourself plenty of restAs you age, your metabolism slows down and your body takes longer to renew and regenerate cells. Therefore, it’s very important to give your body sufficient recovery time after every training session. When you start exercising again after a long gap, you need to increase the volume and intensity of your training slowly to give your body time to adapt to the new demands.Important note:Before you start training, check in with a physician. They can help make sure you’re in the clear to do sports again.2. Improve your staminaRegular endurance training not only increases your level of fitness and overall well-being, but it also prevents cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.A great way to start running again is to alternate between walking and running. You should generally avoid exercising to the point of exhaustion, but you can still work in some high-intensity sessions into your training. As we age, our heart rate zones change. It’s probably a good idea to check in with a physician or fitness trainer to help determine your zones as you begin training again.   3. Maintain your strength and flexibilityMuscle mass and flexibility decrease with age. But as said, weight and resistance training can help you build muscle and get stronger even at an advanced age. This is why you should incorporate strength and stability exercises into your training on a regular basis. Complex exercises with your body weight are perfect for this because they require a high degree of coordination and stabilization. You should also work some running ABC drills into your training. These exercises will help lower your risk of injury and improve your running technique and agility.4. Strengthen your bonesPushing and pulling are the two best ways to fight bone and mineral loss. Running regularly and static strength exercises are great for increasing bone mineral density (BMD). This improves the overall stability of your bones and prevents bone mass loss and osteoporosis.5. Watch your dietFood is fuel for your body. Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet. Find our tips on nutrition on how to preserve and gain muscle when aging above!TakeawaysBecause there is no medication to help treat sarcopenia, it’s important to change behavior to retain muscle mass:Focus on physical activity such as progressive resistance training with weights, exercise machines, or weights to build and improve strength. Focus on a healthy diet that also includes the right protein intake based on your weight and amount of exercise.*** More

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    Dry Land Training for Ski Season

    The colder months are fast approaching, and as the temperature drops, the winter stoke starts to rise. If you want to make the most out of the ski season, there are a few exercises you can start doing now that will help ensure you’re in top shape before the slopes open. Ski and snowboard fitness is built on three pillars; balance and coordination, muscular strength and power, and muscular endurance. Improve all three, and you’ll see a big difference in your abilities on the mountain. Whether you plan on hitting the backcountry or sticking to the groomed runs, start preparing now using these exercises.  How To Train for Skiing When you should start: When is your first ski day? Start incorporating these exercises into your workout routine about eight weeks before you plan to hit the slopes.How often you should workout: It takes about 5 minutes to complete one round of these exercises. Start by integrating three rounds into your workouts three to four times a week. Increase the number of rounds as your abilities improve.Don’t forget about cardio: You’ll need a certain level of cardiovascular endurance to take full advantage of your ski days. Be sure to continue boosting your heart rate with activities like running, biking, etc.Exercises For Ski Season Focus on the exercises in the pillars below to build your ski fitness. Pillar 1: Balance & CoordinationExercise: Marching Wall SitWhat it does: This exercise focuses on helping you transfer weight from one foot to the other while maintaining good postural stability and control—both of which will help you keep your balance when you hit unexpected bumps. Exercise: Single Leg DeadliftWhat it does: This is a dynamic, single-leg exercise that challenges your balance while also strengthening your glutes—a key muscle for building stability. Exercise: Single Leg Front To Back HopWhat it does: This exercise will help you improve your reaction time and coordination.  Do this movement with an emphasis on building up your speed. Limit the amount of time your foot is on the ground to fire up your nervous system. Pillar 2: Muscular Strength & PowerExercise: Skier Jumps What it does: This movement will help you work on two key things—absorbing forces and transitioning quickly into generating force. It mimics a skier’s path down the hill. Exercise: Jump SquatsWhat it does: This is a great leg strength and power exercise that will prepare your body for the impact it will encounter on the mountain.Pillar 3: Muscular Endurance Exercise: Speed SkatersWhat it does: Focus on doing this exercise for longer stretches of time to challenge the muscular endurance in your legs. You’ll need that kind of strength for long days on the slopes! Exercise: Wall SitWhat it does: This exercise will also help you build muscular endurance that you will need to get down longer runs without the need for too many breaks. Remember, Recovery Is KeyTraining adequately for ski season means you’ll kick off your winter ready to take full advantage of the mountain sports you love. Still, make sure you incorporate rest and recovery—both during your training and also during those first few weeks of winter. Skiing demands a lot of your body. Allow yourself to fully recuperate after workouts and weekends on the mountains to prevent an early-season injury from derailing your winter. *** More