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    Do you get running blisters? Sascha’s got tips for blister prevention

    The worst enemy of every runner: foot blisters. They are one of the most common injuries that occur when running. A blister on your foot can really take the fun out of running, turning every step into sheer agony.How do blisters form?Blisters on the feet are formed by repeated rubbing between the sock, the running shoe and the skin of the foot. The main causes of friction are sharp seams, wrinkled socks or ill-fitting insoles or running shoes. If the skin is irritated (for example, by rubbing) for a long period of time, fluid will collect under the skin, forming a blister. Severe damage to the skin can even lead to blood blisters. These sore spots, depending on their size and intensity, are usually so painful that they make normal running virtually impossible.First aid for Running blistersIf you notice while you are running that a blister is forming on your foot, you should probably end your workout early. This is the only way to keep the blister from getting worse or even infected. Plus, if it hurts to put weight on your foot, this will affect your running style and can potentially lead to painful compensation patterns.If blisters appear during a race or a running event, there is only one thing you can do: grin and bear it! If you can, let a medic tape the sore spots to help reduce the rubbing.After you finish running, the first thing you should do is take a rest and let your foot recover. This gives your skin time to heal and doesn’t make the wound worse.Tip from running expert Sascha:“You can cushion small blisters with special gel bandages. These speed up the healing process and reduce the pressure of the shoe on the painful spot. If the blister is so big that you have to pop it, make sure that the needle is clean and sterile. Otherwise, you run the risk of infection and blood poisoning!”Blister prevention for pain-free runningOf course, the best thing is to prevent blisters before they form. Prepare and take care of your running gear – even little things can cause problems. Use the following three tips to get your running shoes, socks and feet ready for some pain-free running fun:1. Your running shoesThe most important thing is that your running shoes fit properly and are not too small. To keep your toes from rubbing, there should be a thumb’s width of space between your longest toe and the toe box. This ensures that your foot has enough room to move on downhill sections. Also, your feet often swell on long runs. Therefore, you need some extra room so your feet don’t pinch or rub against the side of the shoe.Break in your running shoes and wear them around during the day a few times before you start training in them. This allows your feet to get used to the feel of the new running shoes. You should make sure to run 20-30 km in your running shoes before you use them in a race or a running event. If you track your runs and walks with the adidas Running app, you’ll know exactly when you reach this distance.Change your running shoes regularly. Painful hotspots often depend on the characteristics of the shoe. Changing running shoes frequently allows these sensitive spots to recover faster.If poor workmanship on the inside of your shoe is the cause of the rubbing, it often helps to tape this area or make it more flexible with some Vaseline or baby powder. If this doesn’t work, then you should return the shoe to where you bought it or seek the advice of a shoemaker.The insoles of a new running shoe can also cause blisters. Simply replace these with the insoles from an old pair of running shoes. That’s often enough to solve the problem. However, if your personal, orthopedic insoles do not fit properly, then you should have an expert file and trim them to reduce the friction.2. Your socksYour sock is the interface between your foot and your running shoe. That is why it is especially important to avoid rubbing here and to ensure an equal distribution of pressure. Your socks should fit properly and not be too thick: this keeps them from wrinkling, which can lead to rubbing.Make sure to break in your socks, too: you should never run a race or a running event in new or freshly washed socks. The material is usually too hard and hasn’t had time to adjust to the shape of your foot yet.Keep your feet as dry as possible. Socks made of synthetic fibers wick moisture away from the skin of your feet. Thus, your feet remain dry and it is harder for blisters to form.If you like to run without socks, use special triathlon shoes. These are designed for running without socks and provide more cushioning.3. Your feetYour feet have to work hard when you run. For this reason, you need to take proper care of them. Regular foot care or a pedicure helps keep the skin supple and prevents hot spots from forming.It is probably a good idea to use special gel bandages or tape on problem areas. Make sure there are no wrinkles when you apply them. In addition, you can spread foot repair balm or deer tallow cream on your feet before or after your workout. This cools the stressed skin, keeps it flexible and prevents chafing.You also shouldn’t underestimate the ability of barefoot training to toughen up the skin on your feet. Plus, it is easier on your body, especially your joints, and it strengthens your foot muscles.*** More

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    Why Does Your Knee Hurt? How to Relieve Patellar Tendonitis or Jumper’s Knee

    Does your knee hurt after a run or a bodyweight training session? There’s a good chance that you suffer from jumper’s knee (also called patellar tendonitis). What is patellar tendonitis?Patellar tendonitis – also known as jumper’s knee – is a chronic reaction to overuse or an injury to the patellar tendon, which joins the bottom of the kneecap or patella to the shin bone:If you suffer from patellar tendonitis, you feel pain in the front of your knee on what is called the lower pole of the patella.The first symptom is often warm-up pain (i.e. pain upon starting an activity, which then fades), usually after standing up from a sitting position or climbing stairs. It then develops into ongoing pain, swelling of the patella, tenderness, and restricted range of motion.Activities that trigger patellar tendonitis:stop-and-go sports like running, soccer, or tennis over-trainingshoes with poor cushioning on a hard running surfacejumping improperly, e.g. during bodyweight training  not enough stretching can lead to tight quadricep muscles, which are responsible for extending the knee Good to knowThere is a difference between jumper’s knee and runner’s knee: the latter involves pain on the outside of your knee and not on the front of your knee at the bottom of your knee cap (like jumper’s knee). First aid for pain If you feel pain in your knee, you should treat it. Try to rest and use cold compresses. You should also temporarily avoid jumping and explosive leg movements (e.g. running or lower body plyometric exercises). Gradually restart your workouts again, reduce the intensity, and focus on cycling or swimming. Make sure you avoid straining the injured knee. 3 great exercises to treat knee pain If you suffer from patellar tendonitis, the following exercises can provide relief:Foam Rolling:Relieve tension in the front side of the thighGet down on all fours. Stretch out the leg, in which you’re experiencing pain. Place the front side of the thigh on the foam roll. Then simply roll the length of the entire thigh. Make sure to keep the rolling very slow. You can repeat this exercise as often as you are able. Foam Rolling directly on the knee cap Get down on all fours. Bring one leg forward (whichever is in pain) and place the lower edge of the knee cap directly on the foam roll, and roll it back and forth very slowly. Note: this exercise can be painful. Make sure to never exceed your pain threshold. Only practice this exercise as often as you feel comfortable.   Stretching:Stretching the QuadsLie on your side, with the leg you want to stretch on top. Slightly bend the bottom leg to stabilize the pelvis. Grab the foot of your top leg and gently pull it toward your butt. Make sure you can actually feel a stretching sensation in your quads. It’s also important not to over arch your back. Hold this stretched position for 60 to 90 seconds. Important: If there is no improvement after treating it yourself, you should consult your doctor. Manipulative therapy (fascia), ultrasound, anti-inflammatory medication, shockwave therapy, or infiltration treatment can provide further relief. Plus, other causes of the problems may be identified. *** More

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    Stronger Glute Muscles: How Butt Workouts can Prevent Injury

    “Use it or lose it!” I am sure a lot of us have heard this phrase before in regards to vacation time from work, mental strength, or musical skills. But when I say, or think of, this phrase, I immediately think of GLUTE muscles! Now this has a great deal to do with my profession, but as the percentage of people working at a desk is at an all-time high, butt workouts should also be something that begins to creep into the minds of others outside the fitness industry as well. Technology is amazing, but the sedentary lifestyle that accompanies it – not so much. Whether you are sitting all day, or even standing, your posterior chain, your glutes, your butt is not doing much of anything.What are Glutes?The gluteus maximus is the largest of the 3 glute muscles, and gives the sought after round and firm shape. The medius and minimus are found on the sides and are responsible for abduction (or drawing the hip away from the body) as well as stabilizing the hips. All 3 of these muscles perform a much needed function to help us work and train harder, safer and pain free.Why you Should Activate Your Glute MusclesNow to make matters worse, when your glutes are inactive, they are also developing, a term coined by Dr. Stuart McGill, “gluteal amnesia.” So not only are they working less, but they are also forgetting how to activate when needed. And trust me, they ARE needed. When the glutes forget how to do their job, other parts of the body (such as the lower back muscles) have to pick up the slack and perform a job that they were not designed to do. This can lead to low back, knee and even hip pain.Where to StartAre you a runner wondering how to get more power in your stride? Stronger glute muscles can give you the explosive force you need to make that final sprint to the finish line. But where should you begin? Start with glute awareness. Do you know what it feels like to contract (squeeze) your glutes during exercise? If not, it’s time to become well acquainted with your backside. Start being really mindful of the contraction by doing some squats and standing or prone leg lifts. That way when you go for your next run, you can ensure that your glute muscles are working as they should.Move MoreNow going back to that office scenario. When you get up to leave work after sitting all day, your hips are in a shortened position. If your hips are shortened, and you automatically take off for an after-work run, you are more prone to injury. Make sure you take the time to do some lateral movement in the frontal plane of motion since the sitting and standing you’ve been doing all day at work is only occurring in the sagittal plane. A dynamic warm-up including skips, butt kicks, and ankling is a great way to get the glutes ready to work.Focus on Glute MusclesIf you’re looking to really develop your glute muscles, you need to target them with butt workouts. Try this 15-minute workout for your legs and glutes:[embedded content]TakeawaySo think about it. When was the last time you trained your glutes? Do you often experience back, hip, or knee pain? Does your job confine you to a seated or even standing position? Then you need to do some butt exercises! There are plenty of exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home, without any equipment except yourself and a mat. When you’re ready to crank it up a notch, add a resistance band to your workouts. You can find plenty of butt exercises, as well as exercises for your entire body, in the adidas Training app. Download the app today and start strengthening your body from head to toe – glutes included, of course! Be consistent and your glutes and performance will develop.*** More

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    Run For The Oceans: It’s Us vs. Plastic Waste

    For decades we used plastic too selfishly. We wrapped our food in it, made clothes with it, took our groceries home in it, and consumed it without much regard to what it would do to our planet. As a society, we know we have a plastic problem that we need to innovate our way out of (and we can!). But before we roll up our sleeves and get to work, let’s dig into the issue a bit more.From Brazil to Italy: Plastic Is A Global IssueAs of now, the amount of plastic thrown away annually would circle the earth four times. So little of that is recycled, and a lot of it ends up in our oceans. In fact, about one garbage truck full of plastic is thrown into our ocean every minute.We see the impacts of plastic waste around the globe. We asked an adidas Runtastic ambassador in Brazil how plastic waste affects his community. Here’s what he had to share:“In Brazil, plastic production is a huge contributor to deforestation. The deforestation leads to intense flooding during the rainy seasons. We also see so much plastic in the oceans affecting marine life.” – Leo Oliveira, adidas Runtastic ambassador, BrazilAnd he’s right! In Brazil, deforestation surged in 2020 [1]. While Brazil is the 4th largest plastic pollution producer globally, they recycle only about 1.28% of their waste[2]. And these issues are certainly not unique to Brazil. Antonella, an adidas Runtastic ambassador from Italy, had this to share about the beaches in her country.“When I come to the beach, I see kids using plastic and trash to decorate their sandcastles. I hope one day they know what it’s like to find only sand and shells on the beach.” – Antonella Andriollo, adidas Runtastic ambassador, ItalyWe’re not here to pick on Italy or Brazil, in fact, we interviewed ambassadors from around the world and everyone had their own experiences with plastic pollution to share. It’s an issue that affects everyone around the globe.Addressing Plastic Pollution One Step At A TimeSo, the mandate is clear-we need help from everyone, everywhere, to address our plastic problems. We certainly need change at a policy level. We also have to innovate new ways of producing goods, and we should all take steps right now to reduce our plastic waste. In addition, we have to help fight plastic waste and raise awareness around the globe. Every year we host Run For The Oceans, a virtual challenge where participants can run, walk, or wheelchair to help support Parley’s Global Cleanup Network. Parley’s Global Cleanup Operations works to help end marine plastic pollution by intercepting debris from beaches and islands.  We asked our ambassadors what motivates them to Run For The Oceans. Jenny, our ambassador from Germany, shared:“I run to help spread the message about plastic’s impact on our planet. So many people are still unaware of how their consumption impacts our environment. They don’t think about their garbage after they throw it away. I run to help show people-your plastic doesn’t go away. It ends up in the ocean, breaks down into tiny pieces, and stays there.” – Jenny Marx, adidas Runtastic ambassador, Germany Join the Movement!  In 2019, 2.2. million runners from across the world participated in Run For The Oceans. This year, we’re going to reach even further, gathering more runners and more kilometers than ever before. And for every kilometer run and logged in the adidas Running app, adidas and Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of 10 plastic bottles, up to 500,000 pounds, from beaches and islands. Are you interested in joining the challenge? Sign up now in the adidas Running app! Check out the video below for more information on how to join.[embedded content] More

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    No Training Motivation? Forget these 6 Excuses

    Everyone’s been there: you planned to exercise today, but you’ve got no motivation to work out. You can think of plenty of excuses why it’s not possible to squeeze in a strength training session today…Are you ready to tap into a well of training motivation? It’s time to forget about these 6 excuses.Excuse #1: “I don’t have time to work out”A long workday, cook dinner, do laundry…there’s no time for a workout. Right? Wrong! Everyone can find at least 15 to 20 minutes for a workout 3 to 4 times a week, whether it’s during your lunch break or in front of the TV in the evening. A short workout is better than nothing; any kind of exercise is good for your body. Put together your own home workout.  Excuse #2: “I have no motivation to work out”No motivation to work out is probably the most common excuse for skipping exercise. This is when it’s time to think about what inspires you. What motivates you to get fit? Could it be working out with friends or the encouraging comments from your followers in the adidas Training app? Training motivation is contagious. Surround yourself with other people who are excited about exercise (offline and on), and you will catch their enthusiasm.(1) Excuse #3: “I don’t know which workout to do”There are so many different kinds of workouts out there, it’s hard to know which one is best for you. In the adidas Training app, go to the “Workouts” tab and you will find a collection of featured workouts to choose from. You can see exactly how long the workout will take and which exercises are included. Or try a guided workout in the app. Train with professional athletes like David Alaba and get inspired. Motivation guaranteed! Excuse #4: “I want to strengthen specific muscle groups, but don’t know how” Do you want to shape your glutes? Or strengthen your upper arms? It’s easy with our Workout Creator: choose which muscle group you want to focus on, decide how long, and get started! The workouts are suitable for any fitness level. The longer you do it, the tougher it is.Excuse #5: “I’m too tired”There’s nothing wrong with skipping a workout once in a while when you’re too tired or your muscles are sore. Listen to your body. But did you know that regular exercise improves the quality of your sleep? People who exercise sleep better. And the better and longer you sleep, the more you can push yourself in your workouts. If that’s not enough to motivate you to exercise….Excuse #6: “I ate too much/the wrong things before my workout” What you eat can energize you, but it can also weigh you down. That’s why it’s important to know what you should eat before and after a strength training session. Leave at least 2 to 3 hours between a full meal and your workout. Make sure it includes the macronutrients: carbs, protein, and fats. If you’re still hungry before exercising, have a small snack that’s easy to digest. Go for carbohydrates and protein. The best pre-workout snacks:porridgebananadatesalmondsplain yogurt/soy yogurthummus with carrot sticksThere are also a few things to avoid before a workout. These can cause digestive difficulties and affect your performance. Foods to Avoid Before Strength Training:legumesvegetables that cause bloating (onion, cabbage, broccoli) fatty foodsspicy foodscarbonated beverageswhole grain foodsWant to know more about nutrition and exercise? The nutrition guide in the adidas Training app will get you on the right track for a healthy diet. Find loads of tips on what you should eat if you want to build muscle, run faster, or lose weight. We hope you’ve found the training motivation you need to get going. Forget the excuses and start today!  More

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    10 Effective Push-Up Variations for Different Fitness Levels

    If you haven’t started incorporating push-ups into your workout routine, start now! Push-ups are great for the entire upper body including the chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps, as well as a real challenge for your core and glutes. Whether you are a workout beginner or fitness pro, this functional bodyweight move is a must in your fitness routine and here are 10 push up variations for you to try.Beginner:1. Wall Push-Offs and Wall Push-UpsThis variation of push ups is performed on an incline (your upper body higher than your lower body) using a wall or step. The greater the angle of your body and the ground, the easier it is. Place your hands on the incline and lower down into a push-up. Then, push yourself up powerfully until your hands release from the incline, keep your core nice and tight and then go right back down into the next push-up. Make sure you land with soft elbows to avoid hyperextension.[embedded content]Are you a beginner?Start with easy wall push-offs (with your elbows slightly bent) before you add push-ups.[embedded content]2. Inclined Push-upsAre wall push-ups too easy for you? Then you’re ready for the next level. Use a chair or a box and do your push-ups off of it. Make sure your hands are directly below your chest and that your core muscles are tight. [embedded content]3. Knee Push-ups This push-up variation is done on the floor. Support your body with your knees instead of your toes. You can lift your feet and cross your calves in the air or rest them on the floor, whichever is easier for you. Get in the push-up position and place your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Rest your knees on the floor and tighten your core. Slowly lower your upper body to the floor using your arm and shoulder muscles. Then push yourself up again to the starting position. Keep your back straight; your upper body should remain stable. [embedded content]4. Push-up Knee DropsStart this exercise in a regular push-up position. Tighten your core. Now rest your knees on the floor and do a push-up. When you’re finished, stretch your legs out again, controlling your body tension, and start from the beginning again. With this exercise you will slowly build body tension, making it possible for you to hold the position longer. [embedded content]Intermediate:5. Side-to-side push-up For this variation you are going to start with your hands on the floor closer than shoulder width (as in the narrow push-up). Keeping your knees (or feet) planted, lift your right hand up and move it further to the right as you do the push-up. Push yourself up and bring the right hand back to center. Repeat on the left side.[embedded content]6. Up & Down Push-upThis exercise strengthens both your arms and improves your body tension. Start off in the push-up position with your arms extended. Now move into a low plank, then push yourself up again. Keep your body as stable as possible without swinging your pelvis. Keep your legs and core tight. If you need a break, you can hold each position for a few seconds before you move your arms up and down.Tip:The closer together your legs are, the tougher it is to hold the position.Just as the name says, this is a push-up performed in an elbow plank. Get into plank position on your elbows (make sure your elbows are directly underneath your shoulders). Lower your chest towards the ground and squeeze your shoulder blades together and then drive through your forearms to push yourself back up.[embedded content]7. Commander push-upFirst perform a regular push-up on your hands and toes. After one push-up, engage your core and bring your right knee towards the outside of your right elbow then back. Do another push-up and repeat the knee-to-elbow on the left side. This variation will really work the obliques![embedded content]Advanced8. Pike Push-upsThis push-up variation mainly works your shoulders and triceps. Start from the yoga position “downward-facing dog”. Your weight should be on the tips of your toes and palms, your arms close to your chest. Now bend your elbows and lower your upper body toward the floor. Then push yourself away from the floor again. The power should come from your shoulders and not your hips. The shorter the distance between your legs and hands, the more difficult the exercise is, giving your shoulders a tougher workout.  [embedded content]Our Tip:Put a pillow on the floor the first few times you try this exercise, that way you won’t hurt yourself if you fall on your face.9. Push-up jackStart out in a plank position on your hands with your feet together. As you lower down into the push-up, jump your legs out to a wider stance and then jump them back in as you push yourself up. This variation will really get your heart rate up.[embedded content]Want more of a challenge?Try to jump into a push-up position while moving your arms and legs at the same time.[embedded content]10. Alligator Push-upThe challenging part of this push-up variation is combining the movements of the commander push-ups. As you move your elbow toward your knee, drop down into a push-up, come up, and extend your leg at the same time. Repeat this on the other side. You can make this exercise even harder by moving forward as you do the push-up combination. [embedded content]*** More

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    Foam Roller Exercises: How to Relieve Tension with a Fascia Roller

    Your whole body is sore, you’ve got tight quads and calves, a stiff neck or joint pain after your workout? Yesterday’s bodyweight training or your running session must have been a bit too intense.To avoid or ease sore muscles and tightness, proper stretching is absolutely essential. Relaxation and recovery are just as important as the training itself. The best way to help your body is with the right stretching and foam roller exercises.    Foam rolling — what is it exactly?Fascia is the muscular connective tissue of the body: It holds everything together and acts as an elastic shock absorber. Fascia training with a foam roller or a Blackroll, therefore, plays an important role after your full body workout. Sometimes, intense bodyweight training or a tough running session causes the fascia to dehydrate. As a result, the fascia loses its elasticity and binds down, making the body more prone to injury. Regular foam roller exercises……relax the deep tissue, loosening up and restoring flexibility to the muscles. The best times to do foam roller exercises are shortly before your workout and right afterwards, although then it should be slower and longer. Focus on the following body parts:1. ThighNumerous squats and burpees can really take a toll on your quads. You can reduce muscle stiffness by slowly rolling your anterior, medial, and posterior thigh muscles after your workout.2. Lower legYour shins and calves also get a pretty good workout when you go running or do bodyweight training. Therefore, don’t forget to foam roll them, too.3. BackFull body training requires a strong back and core stability. One way to avoid back pain is to massage these muscles regularly with a fascia roller. But don’t overdo it – make sure to massage slowly and carefully. When it starts to hurt, that’s when you should stop.Roll Yourself Fit Everyone who does physical exercise knows that stretching helps prevent sore muscles — it allows your muscles to recover after an intense workout. All too frequently, however, this knowledge doesn’t make its way into practice. Our daily life is stressful, and there is seldom time for thorough stretching. Taking 5 or 10 minutes for foam roller exercises after the workout is easy to squeeze in and can be really helpful for recovery. How-To Video: Foam Roller ExercisesThis video will show you which foam roller exercises can help you loosen up tight spots and ease the pain of sore muscles. Tip:Limit each exercise to 30 seconds and make sure to perform it in a controlled manner.[embedded content]*** More

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    Mental Toughness for Runners >> What to Think About When Running

    If you’ve ever run long distances, you know that running is a lot more than just physically challenging. It can really test your mental toughness. No matter whether you are training for your next half marathon or your first marathon, don’t forget to work on developing a running mindset along with your strength and endurance training.  Focus, relax, and keep your eye on the goal – building mental strength is helpful in many areas of our life, such as at work, in the family, and also in fitness. Mental toughness in fitness is partially about developing the right mindset, but also adopting strategies to stay both focused and relaxed so you can get the most out of your workout. Runners training for a long distance race can really get a lot out of mental training.(1)Did you know?Mental training was originally used in sports psychology to teach athletes to adjust and control their movement by imagining the competitive event before hand. Today, mental training is an important part of training and is often based on contemporary behavioral psychology and therapeutic methods. It is used to reduce stress and calm the nerves of elite athletes before competing. Coaches have observed that victory against a competitor of equal ability depends about 50% on mental preparation.(2)Long distance running: 5 ways to build mental toughnessWhat should I think about when I run? How can I stay focused and not get bored? Mental skills training should help you achieve a flow state, also known as being in the zone, so that you can reach your potential when you run and truly enjoy the experience. We’ve got 5 easy ways to train your mental strength and develop a running mindset.1. Visualize your goalsVisualization plays an important role in mental training, helping us develop our skills and reach our fitness goals.(3) Before and during a race, imagine what it will be like to cross the finish line. Or divide your route into shorter segments and celebrate the success of finishing each one.2. Talk to yourselfA 2014 study shows that self talk helps prevent exhaustion and boost endurance performance. You can also motivate yourself with self talk, because you know best what you need to hear and what drives you.3. Distract yourselfYour muscles are starting to get tired and you’d rather just stop and lie down? Try distracting yourself. Count street lights, people with blue sneakers, or puddles. Try to identify what kind of trees, flowers, or dogs you see. You don’t feel like counting? Try daydreaming and think about people, events, or other things you’re looking forward to or that make you happy – as long as it’s something positive!4. MeditateFocus on your breathing while you run. If you can, adjust it to your steps. This helps you maintain a steady cadence. Have you ever tried a mantra? The word mantra comes from Sanskrit and means a sacred utterance, a sound, a syllable, word or group of words. Today, mantras and their rhythmic repetition are used to reach a meditative state and keep us focused. Members of adidas Runners also use the power of mantras and other running rituals.5. Look forward to finishingNow is the time for more visualization. Think about what you want to do after you finish your long distance run. If you have time before the run, you can prepare a post-workout snack to look forward to. Or just imagine how great it will be to collapse on the sofa, exhausted but content, when you’re finished with your run.*** More