
How Chris Hemsworth Altered Routine to Combat High Alzheimer’s Risk

Chris Hemsworth has revealed he made some significant lifestyle changes after discovering he was at high risk of contracting Alzheimer’s on an episode of the National Geographic and Disney+ documentary series Limitless.

“I’ve always been pretty consistent with my exercise commitments, but lately I’ve really felt the importance of taking time for yourself without any outside voice or stimulation and making time for stillness,” the Marvel star told Men’s Health earlier this week.

The changes have been all-encompassing, as Hemsworth announced earlier this year that the disease risk has led to him accepting fewer acting roles so he can spend more time with his family. It also dramatically altered the fitness routines with which Hemsworth is synonymous.

“My weight fluctuates a lot due to differing roles and also my own interests in regards to challenging my body in different ways,” he told the outlet. “I’m lifting less frequently than I was and I’m incorporating more cardio and endurance workouts which I much prefer than heavy body-building style sessions.”

On his episode of Limitless, Hemsworth expressed shock at the revelation that he has two copies of the APOE e4 gene, one from each parent. The gene makes people “eight to 10 times more likely” to contract Alzheimer’s at some point in their lives.

Dr. Peter Attia, who specializes in longevity and is the consulting medical professional on Limitless, was careful to clarify the presence of APOE e4 genes wasn’t a diagnosis. One can have the gene and not develop Alzheimer’s, just as one might not have the gene but still contract the disease.

For Hemsworth, the information came as a wake-up call. “It made me think about my kids and how they’re growing up and things are changing so dramatically, and I want to sit, I want to soak it in,” he told Attia on the latter’s Drive podcast. “I don’t want to be in a sprint anymore. I want to be right here and appreciate everything that’s in front of me.”

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Source: Wellness -


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