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    Working Out on Your Period >> Understand the Menstrual Cycle Phases

    There are days when you power through a HIIT workout with ease and then those days when you don’t want to get out of your bathrobe. By understanding your cycle, you can stop seeing your period as a burden and be able to take advantage of the physical and emotional benefits. Find out how to schedule your workouts to maximize those hormonal boosts and learn when it’s best to focus on recovery and regeneration. Breakdown of the Menstrual Cycle PhasesMenstrual PhaseWhat’s happening in the body?Your cycle starts on the first day of your period. The lining of the uterus is shed through the vagina, releasing blood, mucus, and tissue. Symptoms like cramps, bloating, headaches and mood swings can add an extra challenge to your fitness motivation. Yoga Poses for Cramp ReliefDo you get cramps? Try easy yoga poses like the child’s pose, cat-cow, and savasana to ease the pain.You might feel tired or lethargic and need more rest than usual. This is a great opportunity to cancel plans, stay home, and write in your mindfulness journal. Set some goals for yourself that you can achieve during the follicular stage. Keep in mind, this is not the time to stress yourself out with setting a new PR (personal record). The goal of working out on your period should be to stay active and listen to your body.What to WearWhether you prefer tampons, pads, menstrual cups, period underwear, adidas Techfit Period Proof Tights, or a combination of these – there are plenty of options to keep you comfortable during menstruation.Your workoutFollicular PhaseWhat’s happening in the body?Your period is over and now your pituitary gland releases the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. Your estrogen and testosterone levels will begin to increase, which energizes you and might improve your mood. You’ll feel more social, and assertive as testosterone stimulates your libido. Now is the time to take the initiative and focus on achieving goals. An egg will be released from a follicle in your ovary around day 14, at the end of the follicular phase. At this point the estrogen and testosterone peak, which makes you feel more confident. Enjoy it!Your workoutLuteal PhaseWhat’s happening in the body?Your body is starting to wind down after the high of the follicular and ovulatory phase. After the first couple of days, your estrogen and testosterone production will decline and your body will ramp up progesterone levels. Focus on a healthy, balanced diet right now and boost your serotonin levels by staying active. As you enter the second part of this phase, you may notice your skin getting oily or even breaking out, breast tenderness, and mood changes. These are all symptoms of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Reduce your symptomsCut down on caffeine to reduce breast soreness, reduce your sugar intake, and make sure you stay hydrated. Avoid fatty, processed foods and salt, too, as they increase water retention. Studies show that regular yoga sessions can reduce the common symptoms of PMS.(1)Your workoutTime to build lean muscle. Focus on strength training and challenging yoga sessions. Research shows that this is when strength training really pays off.(2)Gradually shift to lighter workouts as you approach your upcoming menstruation. Try the Strong Before Your Period workout in the adidas Training app.TakeawayThe key to staying active throughout your menstrual cycle phases is understanding what is happening in your body. Everyone’s cycle is different; keep track of yours so you can really get the most out of those powerful follicular and ovulatory phases and use the luteal and menstrual phases for healthy nutrition, recovery, regeneration, and mindfulness. Remember, if you want to keep working out on your period, there’s no reason you can’t. Just pay attention to how you feel and make sure you take a bit more time to rest.*** More

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    Stronger Glute Muscles: How Butt Workouts can Prevent Injury

    “Use it or lose it!” I am sure a lot of us have heard this phrase before in regards to vacation time from work, mental strength, or musical skills. But when I say, or think of, this phrase, I immediately think of GLUTE muscles! Now this has a great deal to do with my profession, but as the percentage of people working at a desk is at an all-time high, butt workouts should also be something that begins to creep into the minds of others outside the fitness industry as well. Technology is amazing, but the sedentary lifestyle that accompanies it – not so much. Whether you are sitting all day, or even standing, your posterior chain, your glutes, your butt is not doing much of anything.What are Glutes?The gluteus maximus is the largest of the 3 glute muscles, and gives the sought after round and firm shape. The medius and minimus are found on the sides and are responsible for abduction (or drawing the hip away from the body) as well as stabilizing the hips. All 3 of these muscles perform a much needed function to help us work and train harder, safer and pain free.Why you Should Activate Your Glute MusclesNow to make matters worse, when your glutes are inactive, they are also developing, a term coined by Dr. Stuart McGill, “gluteal amnesia.” So not only are they working less, but they are also forgetting how to activate when needed. And trust me, they ARE needed. When the glutes forget how to do their job, other parts of the body (such as the lower back muscles) have to pick up the slack and perform a job that they were not designed to do. This can lead to low back, knee and even hip pain.Where to StartAre you a runner wondering how to get more power in your stride? Stronger glute muscles can give you the explosive force you need to make that final sprint to the finish line. But where should you begin? Start with glute awareness. Do you know what it feels like to contract (squeeze) your glutes during exercise? If not, it’s time to become well acquainted with your backside. Start being really mindful of the contraction by doing some squats and standing or prone leg lifts. That way when you go for your next run, you can ensure that your glute muscles are working as they should.Move MoreNow going back to that office scenario. When you get up to leave work after sitting all day, your hips are in a shortened position. If your hips are shortened, and you automatically take off for an after-work run, you are more prone to injury. Make sure you take the time to do some lateral movement in the frontal plane of motion since the sitting and standing you’ve been doing all day at work is only occurring in the sagittal plane. A dynamic warm-up including skips, butt kicks, and ankling is a great way to get the glutes ready to work.Focus on Glute MusclesIf you’re looking to really develop your glute muscles, you need to target them with butt workouts. Try this 15-minute workout for your legs and glutes:[embedded content]TakeawaySo think about it. When was the last time you trained your glutes? Do you often experience back, hip, or knee pain? Does your job confine you to a seated or even standing position? Then you need to do some butt exercises! There are plenty of exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home, without any equipment except yourself and a mat. When you’re ready to crank it up a notch, add a resistance band to your workouts. You can find plenty of butt exercises, as well as exercises for your entire body, in the adidas Training app. Download the app today and start strengthening your body from head to toe – glutes included, of course! Be consistent and your glutes and performance will develop.*** More

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    No Training Motivation? Forget these 6 Excuses

    Everyone’s been there: you planned to exercise today, but you’ve got no motivation to work out. You can think of plenty of excuses why it’s not possible to squeeze in a strength training session today…Are you ready to tap into a well of training motivation? It’s time to forget about these 6 excuses.Excuse #1: “I don’t have time to work out”A long workday, cook dinner, do laundry…there’s no time for a workout. Right? Wrong! Everyone can find at least 15 to 20 minutes for a workout 3 to 4 times a week, whether it’s during your lunch break or in front of the TV in the evening. A short workout is better than nothing; any kind of exercise is good for your body. Put together your own home workout.  Excuse #2: “I have no motivation to work out”No motivation to work out is probably the most common excuse for skipping exercise. This is when it’s time to think about what inspires you. What motivates you to get fit? Could it be working out with friends or the encouraging comments from your followers in the adidas Training app? Training motivation is contagious. Surround yourself with other people who are excited about exercise (offline and on), and you will catch their enthusiasm.(1) Excuse #3: “I don’t know which workout to do”There are so many different kinds of workouts out there, it’s hard to know which one is best for you. In the adidas Training app, go to the “Workouts” tab and you will find a collection of featured workouts to choose from. You can see exactly how long the workout will take and which exercises are included. Or try a guided workout in the app. Train with professional athletes like David Alaba and get inspired. Motivation guaranteed! Excuse #4: “I want to strengthen specific muscle groups, but don’t know how” Do you want to shape your glutes? Or strengthen your upper arms? It’s easy with our Workout Creator: choose which muscle group you want to focus on, decide how long, and get started! The workouts are suitable for any fitness level. The longer you do it, the tougher it is.Excuse #5: “I’m too tired”There’s nothing wrong with skipping a workout once in a while when you’re too tired or your muscles are sore. Listen to your body. But did you know that regular exercise improves the quality of your sleep? People who exercise sleep better. And the better and longer you sleep, the more you can push yourself in your workouts. If that’s not enough to motivate you to exercise….Excuse #6: “I ate too much/the wrong things before my workout” What you eat can energize you, but it can also weigh you down. That’s why it’s important to know what you should eat before and after a strength training session. Leave at least 2 to 3 hours between a full meal and your workout. Make sure it includes the macronutrients: carbs, protein, and fats. If you’re still hungry before exercising, have a small snack that’s easy to digest. Go for carbohydrates and protein. The best pre-workout snacks:porridgebananadatesalmondsplain yogurt/soy yogurthummus with carrot sticksThere are also a few things to avoid before a workout. These can cause digestive difficulties and affect your performance. Foods to Avoid Before Strength Training:legumesvegetables that cause bloating (onion, cabbage, broccoli) fatty foodsspicy foodscarbonated beverageswhole grain foodsWant to know more about nutrition and exercise? The nutrition guide in the adidas Training app will get you on the right track for a healthy diet. Find loads of tips on what you should eat if you want to build muscle, run faster, or lose weight. We hope you’ve found the training motivation you need to get going. Forget the excuses and start today!  More

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    4 Common Causes of Headaches after Workouts

    Piercing pain at your temples, a throbbing ache in your forehead – we’ve all suffered the agony of headaches, and there are plenty of causes. Some of us are more likely to get them during or after exercise. Good to know:Headaches are divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are triggered by exertion, tension, or not enough sleep. Secondary headaches, however, are a symptom of another more serious underlying condition like high blood pressure, an infection, substance withdrawal, or a stroke. In this article we’ll identify 4 common causes of headaches after exercise and tell you how to treat them and prevent them. We’ll also tell you whether exercise can trigger migraines.#1: Poor postureBad posture, stress, and poor form when you work out can cause tension, which can lead to headaches. Tension headaches are described as a constant ache that is usually felt on both sides of the head.(1)Headache preventionCheck your form during workouts and your posture throughout the day. Review these tips on proper running form and be aware of the most common mistakes made during bodyweight exercises. Try using heat, massage, or doing exercises to relieve neck pain to relax your muscles if you get a headache after workouts. #2: DehydrationWhether it’s from exercise or just not drinking enough fluids, dehydration is one of the most common causes of headaches. Calculate exactly how much water you should drink each day with our liquid requirement calculator. Headache preventionMake sure you are drinking enough throughout the day. To add variety, you can include special sports drinks that keep you hydrated and provide your body with important micronutrients. #3: Low blood sugarIt’s not just the headaches after exercise; you also feel weak, shaky, dizzy, and sometimes even nauseous? These symptoms indicate low blood sugar and depleted energy stores. Always ensure that your body has enough energy to work out.  Headache preventionIf you notice the symptoms listed above when you’re exercising, you should take a break. You can refill your energy and increase your blood sugar by eating more carbohydrates. There are also a few foods that can trigger headaches and migraines or make them worse – usually in combination with other causes. Avoid these potential headache triggers (2): alcohol (especially wine or beer) chocolatecaffeinaged cheesefoods high inmonosodium glutamateartificial sweetenersand preservatives like nitrates or nitrites #4: Exercise headachesPrimary headaches caused by strenuous physical activity are called exertional or exercise headaches. These are described as throbbing, migraine-like pain across the whole head (bilateral headaches) and last between 5 minutes and 48 hours. (3, 4) An extreme exercise headache can also cause vomiting and vision problems. It’s important to take exercise-induced headaches seriously. Headache preventionExercise headaches often develop if you skip your warm up, your workout is too strenuous, or it’s too hot. These might also occur when you are at high altitudes, like on a tough hike in the mountains. One way to prevent exercise headaches is to reduce the intensity of your workouts. These tips for running in the summer can help you cope with the heat and avoid dehydration. Important:If headaches last for days or if there are more days in a month with headaches than without, you should consult a specialist. A medical professional can check whether you are suffering from primary or secondary headaches, which may be caused by an underlying condition. Can exercise trigger migraines?First of all, research on the connection between migraines and exercise is not yet as extensive as it could be. However, there are studies which show that migraineurs (people who frequently suffer from migraines) can experience exercise-triggered migraines. It is believed that the exertional headaches and tension headaches mentioned above are more likely to lead to a migraine.(5) If you are at risk of migraines, it is even more important that you prevent the 4 causes of headaches after exercise. The good news: studies also show that regular exercise can help prevent migraines or at least reduce the intensity of the pain. This is thanks to the endorphins produced during sports. (6, 7)TakeawayBefore you start working out, make sure you are hydrated and your energy stores are full. Pay attention to your form and good posture while exercising. If you have a bad headache combined with dizziness, nausea, shakiness and/or vomiting, take a break immediately and consult your physician. The same applies for headaches that last several days.*** More

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    adidas Runtastic Premium Membership: Top Features & Benefits

    Are you ready to build healthier habits and lead a fit lifestyle? No matter your goals, with the adidas Runtastic apps and Premium Membership, you’ll find tips from experts, loads of motivation, as well as unlimited individual training plans both in the adidas Training and Running app. Choose your ideal plan, get started, and reach your goals one step at a time!

    One membership – all the benefits:
    Everything is completely unlocked in our two apps for those who choose to upgrade to Premium.

    Reach Your Running Goals: Premium Benefits in the adidas Running App
    Run your first 5K, challenge yourself with a half marathon or marathon, lose weight or get fitter: no matter what your goal might be, there are unlimited training plans available in adidas Running.
    As an adidas Runtastic Premium member, you have access to all of our features in the adidas Running app, including:
    Training Plans
    Interval Training
    Story Runs
    Activity Detail
    Challenge an Activity
    Target Pace
    Workout Goal (Distance & Duration, Calories)
    History (Sorting by week/month/year/all)
    Advanced Statistics (Sort and compare by week/month/year/all)
    Detailed Goal Statistics
    Edit Heart Rate Zones
    Session Detail expanded Map (colored traces – pace/elevation/grade)
    Split table – segment by different distances/durations

    Get in Shape With Bodyweight Training: Premium Benefits in the adidas Training App
    Do you want to build muscle by working out at home, get strong, defined abs, or just stay fit? Then the adidas Training app for bodyweight training is ideal for you. 
    As an adidas Runtastic Premium member, you have access to all of our features in the adidas Training app, including:
    12-Week Body Transformation Training Plan
    6-Week Shape Up Training Plan
    Push Your Limits Training Plan
    Health & Nutrition Guide
    Bookmark Workouts           
    Access previous Featured Workouts 
    You don’t need any equipment or a gym membership to transform your body, and we have the success stories to prove it!

    Do You Want to Enjoy More adidas Runtastic Premium Membership Features?
    As well as the Premium features in the adidas Runtastic apps, you also can enjoy the following benefits:
    Weekly fitness report via email
    Premium has helped ordinary people of all levels achieve their individual health and fitness goals over years. As a Premium Member, you’ll receive a weekly fitness report including an overview of your past week’s activities as well as a comparison with your stats from the week before. This way, you can see what you’ve accomplished and be motivated by your success.
    Exclusive Premium support
    With your Premium Membership, you can enjoy top-of-the-line support from our Customer Happiness Team.

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    Muscle Gain Diet: Do you know the best 9 foods for muscle growth?

    Proper nutrition is essential to staying healthy and fit. If you want to do challenging workouts with adidas Training, you need to fill your energy stores with the right foods – for maximum results. These 9 foods help you build strength and should be a regular part of your muscle building diet. 
    Top 9 Foods for a Muscle Gain Diet
    1. Lentils

    Legumes are protein and fiber powerhouses. Lentils, for example, are especially high in protein. 100 g of this dry good provides about 25 g of protein. Their fiber content is also nothing to sneeze at. Just 100 g covers half of your daily requirement (30 g). 
    Do you know how much protein you need per day to build muscle? Calculate your protein requirement here:

    2. Eggs

    Eggs are the perfect food for a muscle gain diet. One chicken egg provides about 7 g of protein. Plus, its biological value is nearly 100. What does that mean? The higher the biological value, the more similar the protein in the food is to the body’s own protein, which makes it easier for the body to transform it into muscle mass. Two hard-boiled eggs, for instance, are an ideal post-workout snack.
    3. Flaxseed oil

    If fitness is your goal, you should definitely be using flaxseed oil. It’s highly nutritious and loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which keep your heart and brain healthy and help stop inflammation.

    Good to know:
    Cold-pressed flaxseed oil should be stored in the fridge. The oil keeps for up to 5 months if the bottle is sealed. Once the seal has been broken you should use it as quickly as possible.

    4. Quinoa

    Quinoa is the ideal side dish for bodyweight training. 100 g provides 15 g of vegan protein. This grain is also very high in magnesium (275 mg), which plays a key role in muscle contraction.
    5. Ginger

    Ginger not only strengthens your immune system: this Asian root is said to improve blood flow to the muscles (which helps with sore muscles!) and promote the breakdown of lactic acid in muscle tissue. This helps you recover quickly, so you are ready for the next workout.
    6. Cottage cheese

    Protein pancakes with cottage cheese are the perfect breakfast if you like bodyweight training. Why? This dairy product is low in calories and a good source of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese also contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, which helps you sleep better. And adequate sleep is crucial if you want to perform your best.
    7. Coffee

    How about a cup of coffee before your workout? Coffee increases your blood pressure and heart rate, which helps you to get the most out of your workout. But go easy on the amount. An espresso is a good idea before a bodyweight training session, but skip the milk and sugar!
    8. Blueberries

    Small but powerful! Blueberries are low in calories. 100 g has only about 40 calories. The purple berries are also antioxidants. This means that they fight free radicals in your body, which is especially important for regular training. Blueberries taste great in smoothies or together with rolled oats and plain or soy yogurt.
    9. Walnuts

    Nuts and seeds are essential for muscle building. They are rich in protein as well as high in fat. Walnuts are particularly beneficial because of their high unsaturated fat content. 
    In a Nutshell
    If you want to build strength, a healthy muscle building diet with enough calories is just as important as challenging workouts. Eat the 9 foods listed above on a regular basis and you’ll be on the right track to getting the muscle growth you want!
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    Muscle Growth for Better Health and Weight Loss

    Being thin is not the same as being healthy. If you are someone who has never been happy with their weight or shape or body type, it’s important to try to turn that around. One way to do that is to shift the focus away from losing weight and onto building strength for bone health, joint health, and mental health. You might be surprised to see that you lose weight and feel better about your body in the process.
    If you want to build lean muscle mass, adding strength training can help you burn more calories, even if you substitute it for running or other cardio workouts sometimes.
    Strength Training for Weight Loss
    Strength training does not just burn calories while you’re exercising, but it gives your metabolism a boost that can last for hours afterwards, known as the afterburn effect or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which helps you to burn even more calories. One study even found that you burn additional calories for up to 38 hours after high intensity, short duration exercises like strength training.
    As there is little or no rest between these bodyweight exercises, your heart rate can jump to up to 80% of your max, which will burn calories in a very short amount of time. The more muscles that are recruited in an exercise, means the more calories you burn, and the more effective the exercise is. Bodyweight exercises also allow for a full range of motion in the joints, meaning that you feel better as you carry on with your day, which gives you more motivation to take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to the grocery store, and play with your kids, without feeling stiff or uncomfortable.
    Combining Cardio and Strength Training for Muscle Growth
    If you’re looking for maximum strength and calorie burn, a mix of cardio and strength training is the most effective way to reach this goal. How can you do that without spending hours working out?
    High-intensity workouts are particularly effective because they push your metabolism into high gear. Plus, there is a high afterburn effect. This means that your body will continue to burn calories after your bodyweight training while you relax on the couch.

    Anytime – Anywhere 
    Good intentions often fail due to lack of time, and busy days don’t leave much room for sweaty workouts. The good thing about bodyweight training is that you don’t have to toil away in the gym after a stressful day. Bodyweight training puts an end to all your time-related excuses. A 20-minute workout only makes up 1.4% of your day. Surely, you have time for that. Just throw on your workout clothes, clear some space in the living room, open the adidas Training app and get started on your workout. There will still be enough time afterwards to cook dinner and enjoy a pleasant evening with your loved ones.

    Don’t get discouraged if it takes time to drop some weight. Gradual weight loss (0.5 to 1 kg per week, or about 1 to 2 lb per week) is healthier and a lifestyle change will keep it off. Make sure to work out regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Most importantly, always listen to your body.

    Bodyweight Training as Functional Fitness
    You might have heard the term functional fitness or functional training and wondered what it means. Think of functional fitness as “real life” movements that help your body prepare for “real life” stress in the safest and most efficient way possible.
    Think about it: Do you ever lift a water bottle like you’re doing a biceps curl? Probably not. But, you are squatting and lifting and rotating every day, right? And falling on the ground and getting back up – maybe playing with kids?
    Bodyweight exercises are a huge component of functional training. Bodyweight training engages multiple muscle groups during each exercise and leaves an endless amount of room for progressions and variety as you become fitter, stronger and healthier while minimizing injury and maximizing lean muscle growth!

    5 Reasons to Start Bodyweight Training
    1. No equipment necessary:
    You can literally start now, no matter where you are. Get up and do some jumping jacks, squats or even a HIIT workout. All you need is your body and some space to move.
    2. Growth mindset:  
    You are in control of your health and happiness. Any negative barrier or excuse you might have set up for yourself regarding your potential and goals is basically destroyed by the convenience, versatility and effectiveness of bodyweight training. Change your mindset, change your life.

    3. Calorie burners and muscle growth:
    Isolating a single muscle group on a machine in the gym is nothing compared to the calories you burn in a bodyweight workout. Plus, the more muscles you recruit during exercise, the more calories you’re going to burn.
    4. Your muscles want to work together:
    Let’s look at the push-up for example: biceps, triceps, shoulders, core (abs, lower back, hips), glutes and legs. Despite some muscles working harder than others during this movement, all of those muscles are actively participating in the push-up. When a muscle isn’t helping in the way that it should, that’s when you get movement compensations that can lead to pain and injury. It’s always critical that you pay attention to your form and nail that right at the beginning. Bodyweight training teaches your body how to work together as a team.
    5. Neverending variety:
    Bodyweight training never gets boring. There are always more exercises to learn, challenges to overcome and more burpees to be done. The adidas Training app is packed with different workouts and exercises to keep you motivated and strong. Try something new for your next workout and challenge yourself!
    Did this inspire you to give bodyweight training a go? Or perhaps you’re a bodyweight training fanatic already and have your favorite workouts? Just remember to focus on training as a way to improve your overall fitness. It’s not just about weight loss – that’s the icing on the cake. Strength comes in many forms and bodyweight training can give you the confidence to reach your fitness goals and beyond. 

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    adidas Running: Which Running Watches and Apps Work?

    Did you know that the adidas Running app and adidas Training app support integration with various smartwatches and running watches and can sync to other apps? If we’ve lost you, then what we’re trying to say is: If you already have a smartwatch or running watch, then it may be compatible with the adidas fitness apps! In addition to smartwatches, you can also opt to share your activities in the adidas fitness apps with a few, select partner apps.
    Which smartwatches and apps are compatible with the adidas Running app or adidas Training app? What apps should you download? Give our list a read to see which smartwatches and apps can be used.

    This list is constantly updated to give our users the best experience possible. Thank you for your patience!


    The adidas Running app offers Polar integration. No need to run with your phone – easily sync activities tracked with your Polar GPS watch directly to the app!
    Here’s how to connect your adidas account to your Polar running watch: Open the adidas Running app, click on the gear icon on the main screen, click “Partner Accounts” and click “Connect” in the Polar Flow section.

    Instead of bringing your phone with you during your activities, you can simply use your Garmin watch, and your workouts will be available in the adidas Running app for further analysis.
    Here’s how to sync your adidas account with your Garmin watch: Open the adidas Running app, click on the gear icon on the main screen, click “Partner Accounts” and click “Connect” in the Garmin Connect section.
    Within the adidas Running by Runtastic or adidas Training by Runtastic apps go to “Settings”. In the User Profile go to App Setting, then Partner Accounts, and select Garmin Connect. Once you have selected “Connect” you are directed to sign-in to your Garmin Account.

    The adidas Running app is also available for Apple Watch. If you have the app installed, you can leave your phone at home and track an activity with just your watch. Or, use your Apple Watch with your phone as a second screen. You can use the adidas Running app on a Series 1 Apple Watch (and newer). You’ll need at least iOS 13 (or higher) on your phone and watchOS 6 (or higher) on your watch in order to install the app on your Apple Watch.
    Did you know? Apple Watch works with the adidas Training app, too.

    Android Wear is an operating system designed for wearable tech (such as smartwatches) – if your smartwatch is running Android Wear, then you’re ready to go with the adidas Running app. The smartwatch pairs to your Android phone running Android 4.4 or higher; you can even start a run by saying “Ok Google, start a run!” In addition to starting a run using voice commands, you can use your smartwatch to see key stats during a run, pause and stop your run with a tap of the screen and also view your post run analysis directly on your running watch.
    You can also workout with your adidas Training app right on your Android Wear
    Do you have a Suunto Smartwatch? All the latest Suunto smartwatches (Suunto 3, Suunto 5, Suunto 7, and Suunto 9 as well as Suunto Spartan and Suunto Ambit) are compatible with the adidas Running app.
    How to connect the adidas Running app with the Suunto app: Download the Suunto app on your phone, open it, and tap “Profile”. Then click on “Connect to other services”. Select adidas Running and enter your adidas Running login details to connect the two apps.

    Apple Health (iPhone)

    When you complete an activity with the adidas Running app and you are connected with Google Fit, Google Fit will also receive the activity data and then display information such as start time, duration, distance covered and calories burned. This information then forms part of your daily activity stats in Google Fit.
    How to connect the adidas Running app with Google Fit: Open the adidas Running app, click on the gear icon on the main screen, click “Partner Accounts” and click “Connect” next to Google Fit.
    Google Fit (Android)

    When you complete an activity with the adidas Running app and you are connected with Google Fit, Google Fit will also receive the activity data and then display information such as start time, duration, distance covered and calories burned. This information then forms part of your daily activity stats in Google Fit.
    How to connect adidas Runtastic with Google Fit: Open the adidas Running app, click on the gear icon on the main screen, click “Partner Accounts” and click “Connect” next to Google Fit.

    Zwift and the adidas Running app will take you into a virtual world – either on a stationary bike or a treadmill. Join virtual group events, races, or challenges for an additional dose of motivation.
    How to connect the adidas Running app with Zwift: Log in to the Zwift Companion iOS or Android app and select the “Menu” button in the top-left corner. Select “Settings” and click “Connections”. Select “Connect” under the third-party site you wish to connect to and log in. Log in to your third-party account and authorize the connection. 
    Need more help? Check out this Zwift How-to Video.

    Play a sport with Kinomap and adidas Running! Run, ride, or row around the world virtually with thousands of videos and different levels. Challenge your community to a race and push your training to the next level! 
    How to connect the adidas Running app with Kinomap: Open the Kinomap app and select “Profile”. Click the “Settings” symbol, then tap “Share”. You will now be sent to the Kinomap website. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and select “adidas Running app”. Log in with your adidas account. Your Kinomap account is now connected with the adidas Running app and you can start working out right away. 

    Good to know:
    Your data is only ever shared across different apps when you have linked your account and allowed sharing to happen.

    Have fun with your next workout!

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