
Workout Creator: Build Your Own Home Workout

Want to train your arms for 15 minutes? How about a half-hour butt and abs workout you can easily do in the comfort of your own home?

You choose the muscle groups and the duration, and we will create the perfect bodyweight training workout for you in a matter of seconds – no matter where your on-the-go lifestyle takes you! The Workout Creator in your adidas Training app makes fitting in a workout with the time you have easy, sweaty and effective.

Where can you find the Workout Creator?

To start the Workout Creator, simply click on the Workouts tab in the adidas Training app menu. Scroll down until you find the Workout Creator. 

Select the muscle groups you would like to focus on and choose the duration of your workout. 

What’s the difference between the Workout Creator and Training Plan workouts? 

Unlike the Training Plan workouts in the adidas Training app, the Workout Creator operates on time instead of repetitions, thus creating HIIT-style or circuit training workouts. But, as with all adidas Training app workouts, you will only be doing bodyweight exercises. You can use the Workout Creator on its own on a regular basis, use it in between workouts in your Training Plan if you want to target a muscle group that’s not already sore, or fit in a quick workout after a nice run do as you please!

Additionally, the Workout Creator can act as a form of cross-training to support the activity you’re trying to improve. For example, if you’re a runner and want stronger abs or stronger arms to improve your running, go for an abs or upper body workout (or both!). The Workout Creator can really fit into anyone’s workout routine.

And one more thing, you can now pause any workout in the adidas Training app in case something unexpected comes up, like you get a phone call.

How long do the Workout Creator workouts take?

It’s totally up to you! You can decide on the exact time you want to work out (between 7-45 minutes) plus the targeted muscle groups: Upper Body, Arms, Abs & Core, Legs, Butt or Full Body. You can select more than one category (i.e. Arms, Abs & Butt) or select Full Body. When you’re finished selecting your duration and muscle groups, press “Continue” and you’re ready to rock!

Is the Workout Creator suitable for all fitness levels?

Absolutely! If you’re a beginner, start out with a workout that’s around 7-10 minutes to see how you feel. As you get fitter and stronger, you’ll be able to increase the duration of your workouts. And don’t get carried away in the beginning and do a workout every single day because you’re super-motivated. Start out with 2-3 days per week and then go from there.

How long does it take to see results with the Workout Creator?

Keep in mind that everyone is different, and diet plays a huge role in getting into shape! You can find everything you need to know about what to eat before and after your workout on the adidas Runtastic blog. 

So what do you say? Download the adidas Training app to give the Workout Creator a go and stay in shape!


Source: Fitness -


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