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    Why Fast Food Is Like a Thanos Power Punch to the Brain

    What’s your In-N-Out fix? Animal Style? Double Meat? A belt-busting 4×4? Sad to say you’re doing damage to more than just your pant size. New research from Ohio State University found eating highly processed food (read: fast food) for four weeks caused lab animals to perform measurably worse on memory-related tests compared to those eating healthier fare.

    Why? These foods are like a Thanos power punch to the brain, triggering inflammation.
    The silver lining: Researchers found memory function is almost completely protected by eating high amounts (500 mg per day) of DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid. Load up on the following:
    chia seeds
    flax seeds
    hemp seeds

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    How to Use Cold-Water Immersion to Burn Fat Faster

    Running stark naked into the ocean in winter might seem loopy. But a new Scandinavian study (where else?) found that cold-water immersion followed by hot sauna recovery can give you an advantage when it comes to losing weight.

    In the study, researchers monitored the vitals of a group of young men who had spent at least two years swimming twice a week in cold water and compared them with a non-swimming control group.

    They found those who regularly swam then sat in a sauna burned more calories via brown fat (the type that keeps you warm). In short: Cold-water immersion followed by hot sauna bouts can increase energy expenditure and promote weight loss.

    If you’re thinking of taking the polar bear plunge this year, consider these tips:
    Get naked: Less is more when it comes to clothing. It may keep you toasty on land, but as soon as garments become wet, they cling to skin, making water feel even colder. 
    Plug your ears: If you’re prone to “ice cream headaches,” use earplugs to keep freezing water from entering your ear canal.
    Skip the shot of whiskey: Booze lowers your body temperature, making cold water tougher to handle.
    Practice: Sit in ice baths or take a cold shower for 2-3 minutes in the weeks leading up to the plunge.
    See your doc: If you have heart issues, check with your physician first, as cold water can cause a spike in heart rate and blood pressure.

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    Learn About the Health Effects of Elevated Uric Acid in 'Drop Acid'

    Dr. David Perlmutter writes books that change the way people think about nutrition. Among his five New York Times best-sellers, he’s explored topics such as the effects of carbohydrates (Grain Brain) and intestinal microbes (Brain Maker) on the body. His latest book, Drop Acid, puts a spotlight on uric acid. It’s a waste byproduct that Dr. Perlmutter says can threaten your health if you have too much of it.

    “The most threatening pandemic of our modern times is not a virus,” Dr. Perlmutter wrote in a blog post. “The number one cause of death on our planet are [sic] chronic, metabolic conditions and the multitude of diseases they produce. These include diabetes, overweight and obesity, cardiovascular disease, and even Alzheimer’s. These conditions are by and large not genetic. They are the consequences of our lifestyle choices—especially those related to food.”
    One substance that can lead to many health issues
    Uric acid is created when your body breaks down purines. Purines are produced in the body and found in goods such as anchovies, dried beans and peas, and beer. Dr. Perlmutter says that in addition to purines, uric acid has two more sources: alcohol and fructose. He calls fructose “the gateway for metabolic problems.”
    Elevated levels of uric acid can lead to gout, but Dr. Perlmutter finds it’s much more than that. He claims uric acid plays an important role in “metabolic mayhem” that can be linked to weight gain and elevated blood sugar. He also points to connections with cardiovascular disease, erectile dysfunction, and cognitive decline.
    In Drop Acid, Dr. Perlmutter writes about the science of uric acid, as well as the simple dietary changes that can lower uric acid levels and positively impact your metabolism. He also shows how you can test your own uric acid levels at home, so you can reach your optimal levels.
    Available now on Amazon, Target, and at select book retailers.

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    Enlarged Prostates Are Very Common—and Treatment Has Never Been Easier

    This article was produced in partnership with Lumenis
    You vaguely remember your father complaining about his prostate. But, hey, it’s nothing for you to worry about, right? An enlarged prostate is something that happens to older guys. Except one day peeing doesn’t come as easily as it used to, and you’re heading for the bathroom more times than you can count. Uh-oh.
    It’s not a fun subject, but if you’re dealing with an enlarged prostate, know you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in very good company. The condition, known in medical terms as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is surprisingly common. More importantly, treatment options have improved dramatically since when your old man dealt with it. So no more hiding in the bathroom. Let’s bring this into the open and break it down.
    What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate—or BPH?
    The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that sits below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Its job is to create ejaculatory fluid. As men age, their prostates often get bigger, and compress the urethra. When this happens, urine doesn’t flow freely out of the bladder—which means the top signs of BPH are the need to urinate frequently with a stream that dribbles out like a leaky faucet. You might also be getting up multiple times during the night to pee. Sometimes, you may be straining during urination. BPH is incredibly common, affecting around half of men in their 50s, and 90 percent of men in their 80s.
    To be clear, we’re not talking about cancer. An enlarged prostate isn’t always dangerous if asymptomatic. You can have an enlarged prostate without it impacting your life. However, if you begin to experience symptoms, they’re unlikely to resolve on their own.
    “In general, it’s progressive, and guys will have gradual worsening symptoms,” says James R. Johannes, M.D., a urologist in the Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Left untreated, BPH can cause major damage to the kidneys and bladder, and require much more extensive treatment.
    How is BPH diagnosed and treated?
    If your general practitioner suspects you have an enlarged prostate, they’ll send you to a urologist for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor will perform a digital rectal exam, a urinalysis, and bloodwork. You may be asked to take a urinary flow and volume test to see if your bladder is emptying, and to track your urination over the course of a couple days.
    For most men, the first-line intervention is medicine. Some prescriptions relax muscles in the bladder and prostate to help with urine flow, while others can help shrink the size of the prostate. Sometimes they’re prescribed together. That’s why you should head to the doc as soon as you suspect something’s not right.
    “In general, the earlier the better,” Dr. Johannes says. “Sometimes we see people when the cat’s already out of the bag, and they have severe problems.”
    At this point, surgery is often a good option. Luckily, we’ve moved past the days when the procedure meant a few nights in the hospital and seeing blood in the urine. Newer laser technology, like MOSES, makes reducing prostatic tissue faster and less invasive. This means less bleeding and often no need for a catheter. Odds are you’ll go home that same day—always a big relief to patients.
    You may hear your doctor refer to it as a HoLEP procedure, which stands for holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. That’s been around for decades. What’s improved drastically is the MOSES laser technology. The minimally invasive HoLEP surgery happens in three parts.
    First, a resectoscope is placed in the urethra and a small camera is threaded to the prostate so the surgeon can visualize the blockage. Next, a laser is threaded through the resectoscope and is used to core out the tissue that’s blocking urine flow. Finally, a cutting tool “chews up” tissue until it’s very small and removes it.
    Throughout the procedure, a laser is used to reduce bleeding. The whole thing takes around 90 minutes and odds are you’ll go home that same day, which is always a relief to patients. Incontinence or urinary leakage risk is very low, as is the risk for erectile dysfunction. And if you’re worried about re-operation—that the surgery didn’t do enough to relieve the BPH—fear not. An 18-year study from McGill University in Montreal found that 98.6 percent of patients did not require another surgery.
    If it’s so easy, why do men avoid it?
    In a prostate-sized nutshell, going to the urologist is a drag. It’s no fun to talk about urination, less so to consider surgery in those parts. No surprise, it’s often a wife or partner who pushes for a prostate check.
    But knowing that BPH is incredibly common—and that treatment is as swift and non-invasive as ever—can help.
    Gary, a retired police officer from Illinois, was one of those people who waited too long. By the time his family forced him to visit the emergency room, he was already in renal failure and had to urinate using a catheter. He teamed up with Dr. Amy Krambeck, a urologist at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, who used the MOSES technology. “My recovery was not bad at all,” Gary recalls. He experienced a week or two of bleeding, typically with urination. “I am doing great. I feel like I’m about 18 years old again.”
    The other big hurdle is the fear of prostate cancer.
    Here’s some surprising news. “Rarely does prostate cancer cause urinary symptoms,” says Dr. Johannes. The prostate has an inner, fleshy part, called the transitional zone, and an outer area, called the peripheral zone, he explains. Most BPH occurs in the transitional zone, while most cancers are in the peripheral zone.
    Of course, for any prostate-related symptoms, your doctor should do blood work that tests for prostate cancer markers. If you do have a BPH procedure with MOSES, or any surgery to reduce prostate size, your surgeon can send tissue samples for analysis. Prostate cancer can be very treatable and slow-growing, so it’s best not to let any big-C fears prevent you from vital early detection and treatment.
    Back to BPH. While surgery, of course, will always remain a big, informed decision, just know your options for dealing with a very common condition are that much easier these days. The latest technology in prostate care can alleviate the process of undergoing important treatment from start to finish. And that’s no small relief.
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    Best High-Protein Snacks to Eat Anytime, Anywhere

    Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle. However, muscle isn’t just built after your workout is done. Consuming protein after your workout makes enzymes that allow key chemical reactions to take place within your body. These enzymes are crucial to regulating your body’s hormones, maintaining the fluid balance in your blood and tissues, and forming antibodies to protect your body from bacteria and viruses. Protein has many roles in your body, so it’s used constantly throughout the day. That’s why it’s important, not just for building muscle, but overall health to consume protein at every meal and in between—including high-protein snacks.

    Protein requirements vary per individual and specific goals, but overall you should aim to consume between 1.2-2.0 grams per kg body weight per day. Yes, that’s more than the generic RDA of 0.8 grams per kg body weight, which we find too modest; it’s the minimum you need from getting sick.
    High-protein snacks are key to getting your body the protein and amino acids in between meal periods—or if you’re going a few hours in between meals. A high-protein snack should provide at least 10 grams of protein per serving and be easy to eat at home or on the go. In addition, watch out for the added sugar content (keep it under 10 grams of added sugar) and make sure the ingredients are ones you’re familiar with. Take a look at these high-protein snacks (store-bought and homemade) to help you get protein all day long.
    Best High-Protein Snacks to Eat Anytime, Anywhere
    Joseph Gonzalez/Unsplash1. Hard Boiled Eggs
    Eggs are one of the best cheap protein sources, with each average egg providing 6 to 7 grams of protein. They’re versatile; cook up a frittata, shakshuka, or omelette for breakfast. For on-the-go snacks, hard boil half a dozen at the start of the week and store in the fridge.
    Protein per serving (2 eggs): 12 g protein

    Flavor-filled meat sticks made from grass-fed and free-range beef, venison, and turkey. Chomps2. Chomps Meat Sticks
    Chomps meat sticks are crafted with high-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients—including grass-fed beef and venison, as well as free-range, antibiotic-free turkey. With nine unique flavors like Italian-Style Beef and Pepperoni Seasoned Turkey, you’ll never get flavor fatigue. Plus they’re gluten-free, compatible with paleo, keto, and Whole30, and allergy-friendly.
    Protein per serving (1 Pepperoni Seasoned Turkey Stick): 10 g protein
    [From $14.99;]
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    Kodiak Cakes Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Protein Balls Courtesy Image3. Kodiak Cakes Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Protein Balls
    In the morning, mid-day, late night, in the car, or on the trail, these protein balls are an easy, delicious way to get protein. They’re made with 100 percent whole grain oats and non-GMO ingredients for wholesome, nutritious snacking. Bonus: They’re easy to prepare (just add water and roll!).
    Protein per serving (2 balls): 20 g protein
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    Simply Snackin Bars Courtesy Image4. Simply Snackin Bars
    Simply Snackin make on-the-go protein snacks that are nourishing and simple. The bars only include real ingredients like grass-fed beef or chicken, free of antibiotics or added hormones. They’re void of gluten and artificial flavors or colors.
    Protein per serving (1 Chicken With Hemp Seeds bar): 11 g protein
    [From $36.80;]
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    Wonderful Pistachios Roasted & Salted No Shells Courtesy Image5. Pistachios
    Pistachios are the ultimate plant-based protein source as they contain all essential amino acids in adequate amounts for optimal health. The best part is they’re convenient on the go and don’t require any preparation. Additionally, they provide fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to help your body refuel and recover before and after a workout
    Protein per serving (1.5 oz kernels): 10 g protein
    [From $5.99;]
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    Scout Wild Albacore Tuna SCOUT6. Scout Wild Albacore Tuna
    Tuna is an excellent source of protein and these single-serve cans make it easy to store and travel with (just remember your can opener!). They feature hand-cut tuna fillets that are cooked and packaged to preserve omega-3 oils with nothing else added. The best part? In addition to protein, each 3-oz serving provides roughly 705 mg of healthy EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids.
    Protein per serving (1 can): 21 g protein
    [$31.99/4 pk or $28.79/monthly subscription;]
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    Kize Bars Kize Concepts7. Kize Bars
    Kize Bars might be the cleanest protein bars you can buy. They taste more like a no-bake cookie or peanut butter fudge, and some flavors have as little as four ingredients.  Great as a high-protein snack, on-the-go fuel, or a healthy dessert.
    Protein per serving (1 bar) 10 g protein
    [From $29.99;]

    Food Collection / Shutterstock
    8. Real California Cottage Cheese
    Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and contains relatively few calories.  It also provides an ideal combination of whey and casein. which provide quick- and slow-digesting protein. It’s packed with many other nutrients for health like B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium. It’s also versatile enough to incorporate into different meals and snacks.
    Protein per serving (1 cup low-fat): 28 g protein
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    Vital Farms Pasture-Raised Egg Bites, Uncured Bacon and Cheddar Cheese Vital Farms9. Vital Farms Pasture-Raised Egg Bites, Uncured Bacon & Cheddar Cheese
    Eggs are a great protein source (as we already mentioned) but sometimes you want to make them a little more exciting. Vital Farms Egg Bites are made with ethically sourced ingredients like pasture-raised eggs and cheese, and humanely raised meats. On top of that, they’re delicious and come in convenient packs to microwave and take with you anywhere in just 45 seconds.
    Protein per serving (2 bites): 18 g protein
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    Fage Total Greek Yogurt 0% Courtesy Image10. Fage Total Greek Yogurt
    Greek yogurt is a little different than its traditional counterparts. Greek yogurt is lower in sugar, higher in protein, and creamier than regular yogurt. It’s filled with not just protein but calcium, probiotics, and vitamin B. It often comes in single-serving portions, making it a great high-protein snack in between meals. You can also add to your favorite smoothie.
    Protein per serving (Fage Total 0% 6-oz container): 18 grams protein

    Purely Elizabeth Blueberry Walnut Collagen Protein Oats Courtesy Image11. Purely Elizabeth Blueberry Walnut Collagen Protein Oats
    Oatmeal is a breakfast favorite for its convenience and fiber content. Purely Elizabeth makes it even better by adding premium grass-fed bovine collagen and an added packet of Nuttzo nut butter to pack a high-protein punch. The blueberries, walnuts, ancient grains, and superfood seeds lend satisfying texture and flavor to boot.
    Protein per serving (2-oz cup): 11 g protein
    [$2.99 or $2.54 for subscription;]
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    Kite Hill Protein Yogurt Kite Hill12. Kite Hill Protein Yogurt
    Kit Hill yogurt is a great-tasting blend of almonds and soy to pack in the protein and faba bean for added creaminess in a new plant-based yogurt. Kite Hill Protein Yogurt is non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan and contains no artificial flavors or preservatives. Best of all, it doesn’t sacrifice on taste or the smooth, creamy texture that many seek, but cannot find in dairy-free items.
    Protein per serving (Blueberry, 5.3-oz cup): 10 g protein
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    Nature Zen/Unsplash13. DIY Protein Shake
    There’s nothing easier than bringing your own protein powder (whey or vegan) and mixing in your shaker bottle. But if you have the time, make a complete and delicious post-workout smoothie to kickstart recovery or provide an extra boost of protein between meals. Here’s a recipe with a tropical spin:
    16 oz milk of choice (or orange juice)
    1-2 scoop vanilla or unflavored protein powder (whey or vegan)
    3/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks
    ½ cup frozen mango
    ½ frozen banana
    1/2 ripe avocado peeled
    1 tsp chia seeds
    1 scoop Athletic Greens powder
    Combine all ingredients
    Blend until smooth.
    Jordan Mazur, MS, RD is the director of nutrition for the San Francisco 49ers.

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    Filson x Ten Thousand Collection Is the Workhorse of Workout Apparel

    For duds that endure the wear and tear of wilderness excursions, Filson is a mainstay. For workout apparel that withstands grueling lifting sessions, Ten Thousand is a stalwart. Separately they shine, but together they can single-handedly replace your training kit with high-performance workout apparel.

    The two brands have joined forces to drop a limited-edition collection of workout clothes designed to meet the training needs of first responders and wildland firefighters.
    “Having FiIson ask us to help them make this collection is an incredible honor,” says Keith Nowak, founder and CEO of Ten Thousand. While Filson was born in the woods and Ten Thousand was born in the gym, we both share a spirit that’s been forged from hard work, grit and the will to become better than we were yesterday. And this collection encompasses that perfectly.”

    Courtesy ImageThe Filson x Ten Thousand Collection features three pieces—all made in Filson’s signature Marsh Olive colorway: Versatile Shirt, crafted from breathable, sweat-wicking, quick-drying, and abrasion-resistant fabric; the lined Tactical Short, cut from durable yet featherweight four-way stretch ripstop fabric; and Training Sock, which features cooling mesh panels, functional cushioning, and anatomical arch support.
    They all have a permanent silver ion treatment that will last through use and washing.

    Courtesy Image“Filson and Ten Thousand users share similar values and lifestyles,” says Alex Carleton, chief creative officer at Filson. “Both are smart, tough and prepared. The collaboration between the two brands resulted in a collection perfect for our everyday heroes… The design behind the collection was led by the athletes and heroes it was made for, like frogman combat veteran and backcountry hunter, Alex Fitchler, who helped put the collection through its paces.”
    Courtesy ImageThe standout among the pieces has to the be the swim-ready shorts, which were made to conform to the needs of military fitness standards by being durable, breathable, and lightweight. But they also had to be easy to wash, odor-resistant, comfortable, and feature multiple pockets. The Tactical Short shines in the last aspect, as they have stash spots, inside and out, that offer secure storage for items like cash, keys, smartphone, ID, and energy chews.
    The Filson x Ten Thousand Collection will be available from and beginning Friday, October 29, 2021. Prices start at $16.
    Get it

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